cPanel-to-DirectAdmin conversion tool


Some how the tool stops working, see below ssh output, who can help me with this?

Thank you!

root@web:/test# perl

Welcome to the cPanel-to-DirectAdmin conversion tool, version .9.4.
Tool created by Phillip Stier <[email protected]>.
Please report bugs to this thread on the DirectAdmin forum:

This tool exclusively uses the cPanel backup file to do the conversion,
so this tool can be executed on the cPanel OR DirectAdmin server.
Before starting, copy your cPanel backups into the ./import directory
This tool will covert backups created by both
- the '/scripts/pkgacct' script, and
- cPanel's 'Full Backup' GUI tool.
After running this tool, transfer the tarballs inside ./export to any DirectAdmin reseller's 'user_backups' directory.

Have you read, understood and applied the above? (y/n) [y] y

[If you are running this tool on the cPanel server]: After this tool is finished, should successfully created DirectAdmin tarballs be transferred to your DirectAdmin reseller user_backups directory? (y/n) [n] y

You've chosen to automatically transfer tarballs over.. please provide your DA server info...
DirectAdmin server address: []
DirectAdmin user_backups directory: [/home/admin/user_backups]

Checking for ./import/... OK
Checking for ./export/... OK

We're about to begin the conversion process.
All tarballs residing in ./import/ will be checked for validity and converted to the DirectAdmin format.
DirectAdmin formatted tarballs will be placed in ./export/.

Shall we begin? (y/n) [y] y

No tarballs attempted/converted.



Tool is working fine now.

Thank you
did you find a problem or just try again and it worked?


I had a file exported from cpanel have size 2,6GB i was running the tool on a 4GB ram server, the tool stops running, i have transported the exported file to a 32GB ram server and have running again the tool, then the export was completed to a DA file.

So my problem was memory underrun
I had a file exported from cpanel have size 2,6GB i was running the tool on a 4GB ram server, the tool stops running, i have transported the exported file to a 32GB ram server and have running again the tool, then the export was completed to a DA file.
Wasn't it nice in the good old days when 500 MB was enough for a webserver :).

No kidding; I started with Cobalt RaQ with 300MB and almost no memory.

This summer we finished moving everything off servers with less than 24 GB RAM. Built with CentOS 6 so hopefully server and hardware will both last until CentOS 6 EOL a bit over six years from now (Nov 30, 2020).

(One of the servers we pulled out of service had been running over ten years (continuously about 15 months) when we pulled it. Made a lot of money on that one :).

The script doesn't work, it creates fine the files but when restoring in latest DA it doesn't create anything apart from the home directories, nothing in pubilc_html etc. Anyone with a suggestion how to migrate many accounts from Cpanel not manually?

Does DirectAdmin give any errors when trying to restore?

Does everything else except contnt of public_html get properly restored? For example, email, mysql, etc.?

I'd suggest you manually untar one of the user backups created by the script and see if everything is where it should be. If you're not sure, untar a backup Directadmin makes on your server to verify.

IMAP Convertion

I'm from Brazil and my english is poor, sorry.

I'm using it convertion tool, but my mailboxes wasnt converted.
This erro show:
POP3/IMAP Accounts and data... cp: cannot stat `./export/contaud/backup/': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./export/contaud/backup/': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./export/contaud/backup/': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./export/contaud/backup/': No such file or directory
(6 converted)

Can someone help me?


I am getting the same error vservs received. However, I am trying to convert a 500 MB cpanel backup with a 8 GB machine. Memory is not the problem.
Any Idea on what could be causing the "No tarballs attempted/converted" error?
Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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Problem with crontab.conf of users

Since the convert script, also convert and use the crontab.conf , in some cases some commands from Cpanel will come into DA that will make problem for DA's cronjobs.
the lines are like this:
0=0 SHELL="/bin/false"
0=0 SHELL="/usr/local/cpanel/bin/jailshell"

If its possible, it would be better to completely not use of Cpanel's crontab.conf and/or have an option to disable it at the start of convert.

It is an old thread but the migration tool is always needed.
Does the Cpanel to directadmin transfer tool still work today?
It is an old thread but the migration tool is always needed.
Does the Cpanel to directadmin transfer tool still work today?

I used it in the past (with a patch I found somewhere) to much success, but I don't think I remembered to back up my patched version when I migrated off my last CentOS 5 machine, so I'm not sure how it works today.

That said, it looks like there is a new version here:

Bonus points for being maintained by smtalk.
How to execute the tool

Hey guys,

I would love to use your tool but I can't find a way to execute it via direct admin. Can you guys tell me where to execute this tool? If there is a video of the tool working that would be great!
Thank you all for many helps;)
I convert my sites successfully,I must tell this tool is wonderful,
Many thanks to l0rdphi1

If anyone want to do this
first on cp server make bakeup from your user files in /home/sitex
by this command:
root@server# /scripts/pkgacct /home/sitex
and you dont need to install or download this tool to cp server
2-move backedup files to DirectAdmin server
3-in DA use wget to download tool by this command:
wget [url][/url]
4-make 2 directory by this command:
root@server# mkdir import export
and copy backedup files from cpanel server to import folder
5-extract tool by
tar zxf da.cpanel.import.tar.gz
6-change setting of file defaults.conf by an editor like vi as you want for example your IP and ...
7-run tool by this command
8-now you must check on your export folder, tool will convert cp backedup files and move hem to export directory.
9-make a reseller on DA controlpanel
10- make a directory on reseller folder by this name:user_backups and move all converted files from export folder to this directory
11- go to DA control panel as reseller and select "Manage User Backups" menu (I'M USE NOW V1.27.1 May 2006) on step1 select localfrom restore part,step 2:IP not very important and in step 3 you can see GOLDEN files yea, you can see your backup files ready to restore select them all and restore.
I convert my sites today and it convert all MYsqls-emails-and web files and user's password now I must just Tell to my user new control pane address,they used befor this change and today must use
I think they can't feel any change on this server movement.
but in one case my user had mailman mailing list that its not available now.
have fun
guys please help me i cant do this getting error
tar -xvpf da.cpanel.import.tar.gz

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now