Create an backup before updating DA?


Verified User
Apr 23, 2020
Today I updated my Directadmin to latest version and I had some error after the update, I can also see that some other users have other problem and one user have his website down because of this. This scares me. Maybe next update I do and the site will not work. How can I prevent this, can I do an backup before I update anything in my custom build and restore everything if this will happen. Are there any backup solution in the directadmin?
What error did you have? Release candidates are usually here for at least a couple of weeks. Some edge cases had issues - OS with non english locales were showing "," instead of "." in PHP versions (and minor version number missing), but that one was a "visual" issue. The 2nd one was email usage statistics page not working in some cases. That's it :)

I think it's normal to have bugs in the software. I'm sure desktop OS you're running now will get bugfixes in its next release, same with phone software etc.
Hi, my error was this
But it scares me a little bit now to push the update button. I am a newbie and had a lot of problem to understand and to set up my VPS. I really don’t want to start from the beginning again with a new installation.
You should have scheduled backups running every day even if you don't update. You can also change the update frequency away from Daily to weekly or monthly. also if you are updating manually by pushing the button wait for a week or 2 after the release as well.

I have been running updates daily for a year. So DA is real stable.
I am a newbie and had a lot of problem to understand and to set up my VPS
Sort of just comes with the territory. If you don't have sysadmin background DA can be harder to learn than some of the other panels. Just keep reading and learning...
You should have scheduled backups running every day even if you don't update. You can also change the update frequency away from Daily to weekly or monthly
I found the schedule backup in DA. But if I do a daily backup, that will be a lot of backup in that directory after a few months. Are there any delete function when a new backup is done or do I need to delete this old backup manually?
I found the schedule backup in DA. But if I do a daily backup, that will be a lot of backup in that directory after a few months. Are there any delete function when a new backup is done or do I need to delete this old backup manually?
No, not yet it is in there if you copy it off to an ftp server. There is feedback about this as well also this I would vote for both...

What I currently do is run a small cleanup in the

find /backup/* -type d -ctime +1 -exec rm -Rf {} \;

this keeps the last 2 backups BTW

you could make a bash script with it as well and just run a cron job.
Hi, my error was this
But it scares me a little bit now to push the update button. I am a newbie and had a lot of problem to understand and to set up my VPS. I really don’t want to start from the beginning again with a new installation.
It was just a visual thing, it did not affect any functionality/features or anything else :)