Creating Reseller Accounts


Verified User
Jun 21, 2004

Still too new to really know what is going on (culture shock from cPanel).

I have DA running on a VPS. I have been looking through the forum and the technotes and still lost.

ok...created a reseller package.
as i understand it, a reseller account needs to be created to create the user i try to create a user account and when it asks for a domain name, i put in our domain name...then the process is errored with "domain already exists". there something I am not understanding?
my VPS account is setup with I have set the NameServers and it is working. Do I have to go out and get another domain just to create an account?
I need some clarification with this.

Please help...

kind regards

Actually, you really don't have to create a Reseller account.

The Admin user can create User accounts.

If I understand your question/post, where DA is asking for a domain it wants the domain that is associated with the User you are creating.


i am reading the technote section under admin panel.......just trying to follow the document. my limited understanding reads that the first thing an admin must do is create a reseller package. Then, a reseller account to create the user accounts. When trying to create a reseller account, it asks for a domain name.

Currently, we only have our top level domain and have no resellers with no intention at this point to have any (could in the future?)

I prefer to do whatever the best practice is. If it is best to create a reseller account, we will to handle all accounts.
I am guessing that if we create user packages in the Reseller Level?

thanks for the response....i am catching on....a little at a time :)

i should add that we have cPanel users that we are going to try to migrate over...and from what i was reading in the forum, the examples show the path with reseller...thus part of my concern/confusion.
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Well, the Admin is a Reseller and a User... The Admin can create Resellers and Users.

I'm sure you may find different views on how to set up DA but, we simply use the Admin account to create the Users on the system.

Basically, doing it that way, when we do create Resellers, they will be Resellers and not us...

YMMV, of course.


P.S.: The reason it asks for a domain name when creating a Reseller account is because the Reseller is a User also... So, they need a domain to be associated with.
thanks david for the info.

i think once things get going it will be a bit easier to run. there are just a lot of new things and untied issues making it seem worse than what it probably is.

do you know if anyone has experience migrating users over from cPanel? I need to know if there are any "package" difference issues we need to look out for.
Hi David et al,

ok, a few more questions and i hope i can get moving.

i couldn't figure out where the admin files for http were located (used to the public_html) setting. I created a reseller account just to get familiar with the system.

I would like to use your approach for most of our users (decided to create a reseller account to manage a bigger project i am working on. leaves room for expansion in the future without interupting the admin level)., i want to create a user account from the admin panel...does not seem so hard as long as a package exists.
when i logged in with the reseller account, i saw the disk/bandwidth usage bars. why do these not show up when i am logged in to the admin level (as admin). I am a bit confused in the admin panel because it does not show how much space i have available. is this an intuitive thing...i should know how much i already have so there is no need to show how much i have left? (not like a calculator can't resolve this...) :)

Edited after pulling hair....
ok, i must be too stupid for this control panel or something. i am just NOT getting it.
I understand the admin panel controls the entire operation as outlined in the tech notes.
for the sake of discussion, i have an account created on a vps server and it was required to provide a domain name to create the account. we provide the domain name (
We log into the admin panel. followed the documentation and create a Reseller account. Created a package inside the reseller account. the reseller has no relation to we are just learning here...
so, now we take Davids advise....logged in as admin, we go to the reseller level and create some user packages. we then create a user account (testing) with the user package. I think this part we are getting just fine.

I want to be able to create email account(s) for our top level domain ( I am just missing the boat here i guess because I have no idea where to set up an email account as an admin. From what I see, it is not possible, so we HAVE to create a reseller account with some domain name to give us the user account features we need (like multiple email accounts). Now, when we try to set up a reseller account to handle the business of, what (*$@($ domain name do we use? Assuming we create an email account, it is going to inherit the reseller account domain name...not the account that we want.
How do we set this thing up so we can have
[email protected]
[email protected] etc?

any help would be greatly appreciated.

kind regards
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If your in the US, I'd be glad to give you a call and walk you through a few key points with DA. Just PM a phone number.

I do that with each one of my customers and I find I haven't had near as many support issues since I started doing it. Actually I'm starting to get bored with the lack of support issues since DA seems to be so much easier than CPanel was for my customers to use :)

From the looks of it, Travis probably helped you, but I thought I'd follow up since I might have confused matters...

I want to be able to create email account(s) for our top level domain

When logged in as Admin you can create domains (not Users) that are controlled by the Admin. As Admin, go to the User Panel and click on "Domain Administration" then "Add Another Domain" and create the domain.

Then, you can control the domain functions by logging in as Admin and going to the User panel and accessing the domain there (create emails, etc.)

OK, did everything turn out OK or did I give you some bad info? %^)

hi david,

travis did indeed help me out.
because of some configuration issues, we elected to re-install directAdmin. Since then, everything appears to be working fine.

I would add that Travis helped configure the panel so that when I log in as admin, the admin account is running on the top level domain. When we click on Users Level, we 'can' create email accounts. We do not have to create a domain to handle the top level domain.

I was pretty frustrated in the beginning because I was unable to do what I needed (due to configuration issues), but when Travis cleaned up the problem, it went much smoother.

thanks for all the help!