CSF blocking my whitelisted IP


Verified User
Apr 17, 2012
Rotterdam, Netherlands
CSF is acting unexpected.
  1. My ip is in the allow list (/etc/csf/csf.allow)
  2. My ip is not in the deny list
  3. My ip is in Directadmin's whitelist (/usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/ip_whitelist)
  4. My ip is not in Directadmin's blacklist (/usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/ip_blacklist)

Mostly my ip gets blocked somewhere at night or in the weekends. When I restart CSF my ip gets unblocked. SSH access is always available. What setting do I overlook?
Restarting CSF does not clear blacklists, it only initiates iptables again.

Check if your iptables is running, should not be the case (Centos 6 it's chkconfig --list):
ip6tables 0:eek:ff 1:eek:ff 2:eek:ff 3:eek:ff 4:eek:ff 5:eek:ff 6:eek:ff
iptables 0:eek:ff 1:eek:ff 2:eek:ff 3:eek:ff 4:eek:ff 5:eek:ff 6:eek:ff

Next to that, CSF uses 2 kinds of allow lists. I always configure it so they work together.
Check these settings in csf.conf:

Also investigate if it's really CSF who is blocking your ip. Check your logs and what it's saying. If it's csf, it should be mentioned in /var/log/lfd.log with a reason next to it.