Custom php register_globals per domain


Verified User
Apr 4, 2006
Register_global Control via Directadmin should be great
Just add another variable control in DA like safe_mode and open_basedir config

then in virtualhost template
we can add line like this
php_admin_flag register_global |REG|


For current version of DirectAdmin
If you don't use safemode (alway off)
then you can use safe_mode setting for register_globals instread by just edit virtualhost template

I know that user can control register_globals by .htaccess file by adding line
php_flag register_globals on|off

This is an user level control, then it will come to my requestd that DA can control this via virtualhost template by using php_admin_flag register_globals on|off

Once we specified php_admin_flag register_globals on|off in httpd.conf user will never control register_global via .htaccess anymore they have to follow the values set by admin.

I know that this feature may not have a huge demand :p
My server also will not take advancetage from this feature because I running php in cgi mode and could only control it via php.ini that I have my own developed pluging for admin and reseller to select one from a set of php.ini for their users.


However other server may take benefit from this feature. :)
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It shouldn't be complicated to write a small plugin to let users automatically do this, if I have some time tomorrow I might have a look at it.