Custombuild 2.0-alpa1 Errors

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>./build suphp
Skipping mod_ruid2 tarball, needs more arguments in doclean_old_tarballs().
File already exists:    suphp-0.7.1.tar.gz
MD5 Checksum on suphp-0.7.1.tar.gz passed.
Found /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/suphp-0.7.1.tar.gz
Extracting ...
Configuring suphp-0.7.1...
./build: line 3762: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/: is a directory

*** There was an error while trying to configure suPHP. Check the  file
Updated with latest link ou gave and error line now changed:

>./build suphp
File already exists:    suphp-0.7.1.tar.gz
MD5 Checksum on suphp-0.7.1.tar.gz passed.
Found /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/suphp-0.7.1.tar.gz
Extracting ...
Configuring suphp-0.7.1...
./build: line 3704: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/: is a directory

*** There was an error while trying to configure suPHP. Check the  file
Yes, indeed, there was a problem :) The fix is (I uploaded it to, should be fixed on DA servers soon):

You should run the fix before "./build suphp" command (or "./build php n"). Thanks for the report.
Ok, now build suphp work and ive rebuilded php aswell but something is not working i suppose.

Ive a file with phpinfo() for check the version in use.

With no .htaccess it show php 5.3 correctly (that is the default one) but when i use this:

<FilesMatch "\.(inc|php|php3|php4|php5|php52|phtml|phps)$">
AddHandler x-httpd-php52 .php

Show a blank page cause dont find any php i suppose...

I was going to check suphp.conf for check the handler.. but there is no /usr/local/suphp/etc/suphp.conf (after build apprarently success).

There is a typo in create_options. When a 2nd PHP instance is required, the first question is about the version, but the question asked is "What mode should this instance of PHP use? (cli/cgi)"

Then later, there are two problems with the MySQL questions:
1) Even if we say that we don't want custombuild to manage mysql, we're asked about a version
2) When we're asked about the version of MySQL, we can only choose between 5.0 and 5.1
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I will check it. Please stop posting any errors with CustomBuild 2 untill the next version is released. We are planning to drop suPHP support and use PHP-FPM+mod_fastcgi instead of it (with 2 multiple versions of PHP, there would be a few PHP-FPM start/stop scripts on the system), that would change CB 2.0 completely. Thank you for your requests.
Stuff I encountered with the 2.0.1-alpha version:
1) It seems I had an php configuration file standing by that wasn't chmod +x'ed, did this manually.
2) It can provide me the fact I need to install libpcap-dev on my debian, but why can't it give you the choice to install it for you instead of skipping/crashing on mod_ruid2?
3) PLEASE fix this immediately: the libpcap is WRONG, it should be apt-get install libcap-dev for debian.
4) I encountered:
	Configuring httpd-2.4.0
	./build: line 5912: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/ap2/configure.apache: Permission denied
Please add a check to see if it's executable.
5) The harden symlinks patch is not present on the download mirrors for apache 2.4

After all these errors, I decided to downgrade after I was unable to fix a compile error within mod_ruid2 combined with apache2.4.
I have contacted the original author about this, as I know him personally...
Furthermore, I've fixed the mod_ruid2, the author will release a new version shortly. - This new version is compatible with both apache 2.2 and apache 2.4 :).
Please do note the installation procedure for this needs MORE TESTING. I don't recommend anyone who doesn't know C or bash to try to get this working him/herself.

I ran into the following issue while installing the default ioncube from the 2.0.1-alpha script:
/usr/local/lib/ioncube/ undefined symbol: executor_globals
This was fixed easily by just replacing the with the thread safe version. As mentioned by the script that advises you... (That Ioncube webapp script).

Furthermore I ran into issues while installing MySQL 5.5; The binary lib DA is compiled against is outdated, and the instructions in the help files resolve to the 32 bit version, while the 64 bit version was used. (Where do I suggest this to be updated?)

After some more hours of messing around with libxml and zlib to get this to the correct version, and recompiling PHP for the 2501st time, I think I've got everything to work the way I need it to work with the new build script.

Is anyone doing anything when it comes to testing / upgrades for the build script?

Edit: The clamav / eximconf installers don't detect each other.
It would be nice if the system actually would detect this, as it could just configure exim automatically to use exiscan with clamav ;-).

Edit2: The Spamassassin installer isn't working and is crashing with an error:
REQUIRED module missing: HTML::Parser
REQUIRED module missing: Net::DNS
REQUIRED module missing: NetAddr::IP
optional module missing: Digest::SHA1
optional module missing: Mail::SPF
optional module missing: IP::Country
optional module missing: Razor2
optional module missing: Net::Ident
optional module missing: IO::Socket::INET6
optional module missing: IO::Socket::SSL
optional module missing: Mail::DKIM
optional module missing: DBI
optional module missing: LWP::UserAgent
optional module missing: HTTP::Date
optional module missing: Encode::Detect

In Debian, I fixed this with:
apt-get install libhtml-parser-perl libnet-dns-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl libdigest-sha1-perl libmail-spf-perl libnet-ident-perl libmail-dkim-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl libio-socket-inet6-perl libdbi-perl liblwp-useragent-determined-perl libdatetime-format-http-perl libencode-detect-perl \
libclass-singleton-perl libcrypt-openssl-bignum-perl libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl libdatetime-locale-perl libdatetime-perl libdatetime-timezone-perl libdigest-hmac-perl liberror-perl libfont-afm-perl libhtml-format-perl \
libhtml-tagset-perl libhtml-tree-perl liblist-moreutils-perl libmailtools-perl libnet-daemon-perl libnet-ip-perl libnet-libidn-perl libnet-ssleay-perl libparams-validate-perl libplrpc-perl libsocket6-perl liburi-perl \
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