Custombuild 2.0 + mod_ruid2 stable enough?


Verified User
Apr 27, 2009
I am currently running custombuild 1.2. I am on CentOS 6.4 64 bit, and is running Apache 2.4.4, PHP 5.4.14 with suPHP, and MySQL 5.5.30.

I want to upgrade to custombuild 2.0 and use php cli with mod_ruid2. Is that combination stable enough in custombuild 2.0, or should I wait?

Has anybody done exactly this before me and have some guides? Guides that involve upgrading to custombuild 2.0 and convert to use mod_ruid2 instead of suphp?

I am not going to use more then one php version, I am only going to run php 5.4 version.
I am now reading the cb 2.0 faq - I am about to upgrade to cb 2.0 on a server using suphp, same time as I upgrade to cb 2.0 I am going to convert from suphp to mod_ruid2. When reading the faq, I have questions:

1: I am not going to have two php versions, only one. So I understand that I should set php2_release to no - however, this I don't understand:

php2_mode - select the PHP run-mode of php2_release. Possible values: mod_php/fastcgi/suphp/php-fpm (default: php-fpm).

What value should I set on php2_mode when I am only using one php version? Should it be blank without any value, or should I remove the line completely?

2: I don't like to use the command
./build all d
, so after upgrade to custombuild 2.0 and change setting from suphp to mod_ruid2, which applications does I need to ./build in custombuild? Should I ./build all of them? I like to do them one by one.

3: After upgrading to custombuild 2.0, when recompiling php for the first time after upgrade to cb 2.0 and change to mod_ruid2, should I run ./build php n, or should I run only ./build php?

4: Is there anything special that I need to know/do when converting from suphp to mod_ruid2?

5: I see this in the faq:

Major change: mysqlnd (MySQL native driver) is used for MySQL, pdo-MySQL and MySQLi in php configuration.

What consequence does it have for my customers sites when mysqlnd is used in custombuild 2.0? Is there anything I need to know, or will it work same as before?
I am doing it now. in custombuild/options.conf there is this new value wich did not exist in custombuild 1.2:


What does it mean, what does it do? I have searched without any results.

Edit: Also I found this in custombuild/options.conf:

Does that new value replace the value I have in conf/directadmin.conf?:

It seems to me that in cb 2 that value has been moved from conf/directadmin.conf to custombuild/options.conf, should I remove ti from conf/directadmin.conf?
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This is a important questions for me, therfor a new reply. In custombuild 2.0 in custombuild/options.conf, there is this new line:


But what should I do about that when upgrading from custombuild 1.2? Should I leave it as "no" and should I then install zlib using yum, or should I set it to "yes"?

Does this mean that default in custombuild 2.0 is to no longer install zlib, but let centos/yum do it instead?
I am now reading the cb 2.0 faq - I am about to upgrade to cb 2.0 on a server using suphp, same time as I upgrade to cb 2.0 I am going to convert from suphp to mod_ruid2. When reading the faq, I have questions:

1: I am not going to have two php versions, only one. So I understand that I should set php2_release to no - however, this I don't understand:

php2_mode - select the PHP run-mode of php2_release. Possible values: mod_php/fastcgi/suphp/php-fpm (default: php-fpm).

What value should I set on php2_mode when I am only using one php version? Should it be blank without any value, or should I remove the line completely?

2: I don't like to use the command
./build all d
, so after upgrade to custombuild 2.0 and change setting from suphp to mod_ruid2, which applications does I need to ./build in custombuild? Should I ./build all of them? I like to do them one by one.

3: After upgrading to custombuild 2.0, when recompiling php for the first time after upgrade to cb 2.0 and change to mod_ruid2, should I run ./build php n, or should I run only ./build php?

4: Is there anything special that I need to know/do when converting from suphp to mod_ruid2?

5: I see this in the faq:

Major change: mysqlnd (MySQL native driver) is used for MySQL, pdo-MySQL and MySQLi in php configuration.

What consequence does it have for my customers sites when mysqlnd is used in custombuild 2.0? Is there anything I need to know, or will it work same as before?

1. If php2_release is set to no, php2_mode is ignored.
2. "./build apache", "./build php n" and "./build rewrite_confs" is enough. It might be worth to execute again before switching to CB 2.0.
3. When step #2 is done, this one can be skipped.
4. Nothing special if you've read the description about mod_ruid2 (what it is and how it works)
5. might be worth reading.

Good luck!
I am doing it now. in custombuild/options.conf there is this new value wich did not exist in custombuild 1.2:


What does it mean, what does it do? I have searched without any results.

Edit: Also I found this in custombuild/options.conf:

Does that new value replace the value I have in conf/directadmin.conf?:

It seems to me that in cb 2 that value has been moved from conf/directadmin.conf to custombuild/options.conf, should I remove ti from conf/directadmin.conf?

These options are just for the httpd-alias.conf file. If you'd like /phpMyAdmin, /webmail and other aliases to redirect to hostname/phpMyAdmin etc., you'd need to set use_hostname_for_alias=yes, then redirect_host would be used for the "hostname" part.
This is a important questions for me, therfor a new reply. In custombuild 2.0 in custombuild/options.conf, there is this new line:


But what should I do about that when upgrading from custombuild 1.2? Should I leave it as "no" and should I then install zlib using yum, or should I set it to "yes"?

Does this mean that default in custombuild 2.0 is to no longer install zlib, but let centos/yum do it instead?

Yes, default (no) is fine, because in all distros it's managed by a package manager (yum in CentOS).
Thank you for all the answers. Currently I have upgraded to custombuild 2.0, but not yet done any rebuild of php etc. I am currently going over the options.conf files etc. before I shall continue.

By the way, custombuild version of mod_ruid2 is 0.9.7. But mod_ruid2 0.9.8 was released in march, it has a security fix. Here is announce:

I have just now sent email to support at asking for them to add the new version. Thanks.
After doing ./build apache I get this error and httpd is down:

chmod 755 /usr/lib/apache/
[activating module `ruid2' in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf]
mod_ruid2 has been installed successfully.
Restarting apache.
Stopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
Starting httpd: [Sun Apr 14 23:46:25.910175 2013] [so:warn] [pid 14278] AH01574: module ruid2_module is already loaded, skipping
AH00534: httpd: Configuration error: No MPM loaded.

Should I have done ./build mod_ruid2 first? Should I do ./build mod_ruid2 later on?

I will now continue, and see if the error goes away when doing the rest ...
Okey. After doing the rest of the ./build ..., then the error went away. So seems ok now. Please note that after I did this:

./build apache
./build php n
./build rewrite_confs

Then I did also:

./build mod_ruid2
service httpd restart

I think it is needed because I previous in cb 1.2 was using suphp.

Much to check and configure now. My head ... :)
@smtalk, I have a new error when I did ./build apache a second time. Here is the error:

Restarting apache.
Stopping httpd: ./build: line 7400:  9679 Terminated              ${INITDDIR}/httpd restart
[root@server custombuild]#

Please advice. Edit: However when I do "service httpd restart" after that, then it is no errors anymore. Hmm.
@smtalk, I am still working on all this. I am now on custombuild 2.0. I am running MySQL version 5.5.30. However in php-info page it say this:

Version mysqlnd 5.0.10 - 20111026 - $Id: e707c415db32080b3752b232487a435ee0372157 $

Should it not be a newer version, version 5.5.x? Is this wrong?
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@smtalk, I still going over everything. I am not able to do this in custombuild:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build libiconv

Why does it not work? I find it exist in this path: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/libiconv-1.14.tar.gz - also it says on the cb 2.0 faq that it is supported.

Edit: I found that it is changed, it should now be done like this:

./build iconv

Please change cb 2.0 faq at it says:

1. What is custombuild?
Custombuild is a tool, which can install/update:

I think it is confusing, better to change the faq to say iconv instead.
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@smtak, Here is something: In custombuild 2.0, everytime I build php I get server load going up to 11.00 at the most! This happen only when I do ./build php n, when I build other applications this does not happen. This did never happen when I did ./build php n in custombuild 1.2

Is there something wrong in the ./build script for php in custombuild 2.0 that causes this? It seems so to me. My settings is php cli and mod_ruid2. Please let me know if you need more information.

This happen every time I build php, and only when it is php that I am building, and only happens in custombuild 2.0

Edit: However I can't be sure it is not my server. This is a 2GB Xen VPS from Linode. I was recently migrated to new hardware, therfor I can't be sure if the problem is with the build script or my server. However it is a powerful server with 8 cores, it is a: "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz".
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New question: When I run ./build php n in custombuild 2.0, I get this warning at the end:

libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/php-5.4.14/libs'

I never had that warning in custombuild 1.2. Should I run `libtool --finish /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/php-5.4.14/libs' or is it not needed? Custombuild take care of it, right?

DirectAdmin WebServices Installer
Written by Martynas Bendorius and DirectAdmin
Version: 2.0.0-RC2

To build everything run:
./build all

NOTE: Command all will compile everything as it is set
in the options.conf file, please take a look at
"./build options"!
Install/update server components:
./build apache
./build autoconf
./build automake
./build awstats
./build clamav
./build curl
./build dovecot
./build exim
./build freetype
./build iconv
./build icu
./build ioncube
./build libjpeg
./build libpng

Everything is fine in CustomBuild output (available commands).
@smtak, Here is something: In custombuild 2.0, everytime I build php I get server load going up to 11.00 at the most! This happen only when I do ./build php n, when I build other applications this does not happen. This did never happen when I did ./build php n in custombuild 1.2

Is there something wrong in the ./build script for php in custombuild 2.0 that causes this? It seems so to me. My settings is php cli and mod_ruid2. Please let me know if you need more information.

This happen every time I build php, and only when it is php that I am building, and only happens in custombuild 2.0

Edit: However I can't be sure it is not my server. This is a 2GB Xen VPS from Linode. I was recently migrated to new hardware, therfor I can't be sure if the problem is with the build script or my server. However it is a powerful server with 8 cores, it is a: "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz".

It uses all of your cores to build PHP (to make the installation process faster).
New question: When I run ./build php n in custombuild 2.0, I get this warning at the end:

libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/php-5.4.14/libs'

I never had that warning in custombuild 1.2. Should I run `libtool --finish /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/php-5.4.14/libs' or is it not needed? Custombuild take care of it, right?
Thanks. I have completed the upgrade to cb 2.0 and mod_ruid2 on one of my servers now. It seems to work very well! Just a note to myself (and anybody that comes looking here), is to delete /var/log/suphp.log from etc/logrotate.d/apache (if you are converting from suphp to mod_ruid2 like I am. :)