custombuild 2.0

CustomBuild 2.0-RC3 version automatically does exim.conf, dovecot.conf changes and installs managesieve RoundCube plugin if pigeonhole=yes is set in the options.conf file (for that you'd need to run "./build roundcube" after installation of pigeonhole). CustomBuild 2.0 FAQ is also updated to include pigeonhole there.

Good news, Martynas.
Thank you. So with pigeonhole=yes (with cb 2.0) there is no more need to re-build manually pigeonhole every time when we upgrade dovecot, right?

Not sure how much your solution is affected, it seems as I how I can see it from your patch it is also affected. I've just found out, that email quotas do not work as they are expected if we change transport from virtual_localdelivery to dovecot_lmtp_udp. Do you have any ideas on this?
I've managed to enable quotas, this error I've got if quotas are exceeded:

LMTP error after end of data: 552 5.2.2 <[email protected]> Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full)

I've followed this

I've had to modify passwd file:

# cat /etc/virtual/

So, I guess we need changes in Directadmin.
It checks if "dovecot_lmtp_udp" exists in /etc/exim.conf, if it does not - it patches exim.conf file with the following patch:

If managesieve does not exist in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf file, it patches it with the following patch too:
What happens to folk using my latest SpamBlocker 4 exim.conf file? When I installed pigeonhole I noticed some stuff in the exim.conf.rej file but I'm not sure what, if anything I need to do about it.

When rebuilding Dovecot after installing pigeonhole I got:
patching file dovecot.conf
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n]
and I accepted the default.
Apply anyway? [n]
and again I accepted the default.

Skipping patch.
2 out of 2 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file dovecot.conf.rej
Will everything just work?

And then I tried rebuilding roundcube as you mentioned above, and I got:
cp: `/var/www/html/roundcube/logs' and `/var/www/html/roundcubemail-0.9.0/logs' are the same file
cp: `/var/www/html/roundcube/temp' and `/var/www/html/roundcubemail-0.9.0/temp' are the same file
Editing roundcube configuration...
Roundcube 0.9.0 has been installed successfully.
Executing database schema update.
Indexing contacts for user 1...done.
Indexing contacts for user 2...done.
This instance of Roundcube is up-to-date.
Have fun!
I'm presuming the update wasn't required but the database did get updated. Is this correct? Will RoundCube work properly?

I'm asking because I have no users on this server. I intend to start using it for one of my domains as a test of CustomBuild2.

Considering my questions today concerning my email configuration, should I continue to host my email on a different server until issues are resolved, or should everything work correctly?


Jeff, if you want i can send you my copy of SB4.1 that i use with pigeonhole.

Regarding roundcube check if in /var/www/html/roundcube/config/ there is managesieve as plugin in the $rcmail_config['plugins'] line.

Jeff, if you want i can send you my copy of SB4.1 that i use with pigeonhole.
Yes, please email it to me. I'll compare it with what I'm currently using.
Regarding roundcube check if in /var/www/html/roundcube/config/ there is managesieve as plugin in the $rcmail_config['plugins'] line.
I've got this line:
[cod]$rcmail_config['plugins'] = array('password','managesieve');[/code]
I don't have any email users on the machine yet but as soon as I do I'll check to make sure that managesieve is working.


dumb question, what is pigeonhole?
was not able to get a good description when I searched, bunch of MS stuff came up.
Hello Martynas,

Pigeonhole option is now added (yes/no), however, no configuration changes are done to dovecot.conf and exim.conf yet.

As dovecot 2.2. released there might be issues with Pigeonhole, as there is no a stable Pigeonhole release for the Dovecot 2.2 available yet.

Pigeonhole package for Dovecot v2.2 (development)

I've followed these instructions to get it from dev repo:

# v2.2 code tree:
hg clone

i did update yesterday Dovecot to latest version with Pigeonhole 0.4

today one of my customer notice a strange issue (i suppose is related).

They use majordomo for Mailling List and some users (not all, just 3 for now) are receiving email from Mailling list but without subject and receiver and with sender the mailing list owner (usually was the real sender of original mail).

Anyone have an idea about this? What should be depended by? What should i check/change?

Thanks in advance

Best regards
First of all check logs. Then check the logs again with log_selector = +all. Then read email headers, and check logs. For now I have no information how Majordomo can be related to Pigeonhole. Probably your Perl version is too new for Majordomo and you might need to patch Majordomo files (there is some thread on the forums about bug in Majordomo which appeares when using a newer version of Perl). Not too sure though.
But actually i didnt update perl or nothing else than Dovecot.

Regarding log, i already did check them before posting, but no errors there, apart this: Warning: ACL "warn" statement skipped: condition test deferred: invalid "condition" value "}"

But not sure if is related... i do have this error on logs since lot of months and no really problem appeared.

I'll ask my customers to send complete email header.

I did made some changes this morning to dovecot.conf and exim.conf after customer email cause i did notice that pigeonhole in cb2 use different transport method than the guide you did made.

Now exim.conf use dovecot_lmtp_udp and not anymore dovecot_virtual_delivery

Also, in dovecot.conf there wasnt the service lmtp section.

Ive asked my customer to test again, if still the problem is solved ill ask him for mail header.

Regards and thanks
Do you still experience the problem if you downgrade dovecot to 2.1?