phriendly-Mark said:For those who use scripts that will message them by ICQ, AIM, or YAHOO (EG: system status monitor, ClientExec, etc)
vandal said:^^ where can i get such scripts (the monitoring, clientexec and mostly the MSN script)
ProWebUK said:SERVER_IPS=""
Try that...
sander815 said:does kiss have some sort of ddos protection like APF?
- antidos subsystem to stop attacks before they become a significant threat
and does it support auto update for the dshield block list? kiss i mean
deltaned said:I try but it doesent work.
Maybe because I blocked telnet?
sander815 said:
for trusted_ips in $TRUSTED_IPS; do
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -s $trusted_ips -d $MAIN_IP -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -p icmp --icmp-type ping -j ACCEPT
sander815 said:if i want to block a certain port for a certain ip connecting, what do i do?
iptables -I INPUT -s [B][/B] --destination-port [B]22[/B] -j DROP
sander815 said:do i just execute that at the prompt?
i get an error
[root@server1 apf]# iptables -I INPUT -s 212.xx.xx.xx--destination-port 53 -j DROP
iptables v1.2.7a: Unknown arg `--destination-port'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
Since the ip_tables, ipt_state, and/or ipt_multiport modules do not exist, KISS can not function. Firewall script aborted!