DA usage question


Verified User
Apr 27, 2004
Hi there,

I am working on a new server that we just installed DirectAdmin on. Currently, we are trying to move a bunch of web sites hosted on another ISP on to our colocated server so we can close the other hosting account. I'm running into a bit of difficulty with the proper way to do this, and I was wondering if anyone has some advice for me.

After I got DA set up on the machine, I logged in as the default “admin” user and created some other admin accounts. I figured that would give all of my team the ability to move some of the sites to the new server at their convenience.

I began the process and initially clicked on the “User Panel” link while logged in as “admin” to set up some new sites. However, when the other admins log in, they can’t see any of the domains/sites I have set up.

Next, we tried creating a reseller account that we will all use to create client sites with. That seems to work OK, but it appears that we have to log in as the reseller account itself instead of just clicking the “Reseller Panel” link while logged into our respective admin accounts in order to administer the sites.

Our questions are:

  • What is the best way to create new web sites with DA, given that each admin would like to be able to see and administer the full list of sites while logged into their respective admin accounts?
  • Is there any need for us to set up a reseller account until we actually decide to start reselling hosting services?
  • Does it make more sense for each of us to just use the default “admin” account instead of multiple admin accounts? If so, what is the purpose of creating multiple admin accounts?

Thank you,
Greg Larkin

What is the best way to create new web sites with DA, given that each admin would like to be able to see and administer the full list of sites while logged into their respective admin accounts?
DA is object oriented and uses inheritance. What that means is everyone is a User, but Resellers are users, with extra features, ie: Reseller Panel and the ability to create users. Likewise, Admins are extensions of Resellers.

Since a User cannot view another User's account, the best way to setup the domains in a manner you're looking for is to create 1 User account to hold all the domains you want to be administered by your admins. The Admins will log into their control panel, but will have to go:

Admin Panel -> Show All Users -> username you created -> Login as username.

Then they'll be able to see/modify the same account.

Is there any need for us to set up a reseller account until we actually decide to start reselling hosting services?
Admin accounts *are* Reseller accounts.. just with the admin extension.. so you won't need to create one. For the sake of organization, I tend to like to create a Reseller account for the single purpose of adding Users, but again, it's not required as the Admin will already have the ability to create them.. it's a personal preference.

Does it make more sense for each of us to just use the default “admin” account instead of multiple admin accounts? If so, what is the purpose of creating multiple admin accounts?
I think if you are all using the same domains, and controlling the same users that yes, it would make more sense to use 1 admin account.

Why create multiple admin accounts? Probably the main reason is to delete the original one so that a different username can be used. Apart from that I'd say the only real use would be if you've got 2 people creating Reseller/User accounts as the "creator" value would be different. Also, sometimes you want to create a temp admin account for someone and don't want to touch your own account password, so you create a temp one.

Hi John,

Thanks very much for the response to my posting. I went in and deleted all of the admin accounts we had set up and created one new one that we will all use to maintain our hosted sites.

You explanation about inheritance makes perfect sense, and I think we'll be in good shape now. I guess I just had a brain cramp the other day!
