DA User Tool

I got a strange problem!!!!

I just moved a user from one reseller to another. The script gave me the following message:
Owner of `testtest' has sucessfully been changed from `reseller1' to `reseller2'.

But when I as an admin check the "show all users", the user that I just moved still belongs to the original reseller? But when I login as reseller1 it does not own the user, and when I login as reseller2 it shows ut as the owner.

So the resellers user list shows the correct info, but not the admin list?

Can anyone help me?

Okay, I think maybe the problem may have been that the show all users site is cashed by DirectAdmin - so it do not update all the time, and therefor functions like this may be a bit slow?
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outpernet said:
When i converted an user to a reseller, then when i try to create a user from that reseller DA says:

Unable to create a User
You must first own an IP
I had the same problem. It seems the script adds a newline "\n" to the end of the IP in ip.list. This is enough to cause you to receive that message. Edit the ip.list file for the user, making sure there it nothing there but the IP, then save. You may not actually be able to see the newline, as was the case for me. But make sure there were no spaces or returns after the IP was enough to get it working for me.



I've just run dausertool.pl to convert a user to a reseller.

Everything appears to have worked properly except for these error messages:
cp: cannot stat `/usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/custom/u_welcome.txt': No such file or directory
chown: failed to get attributes of `/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/lashin/u_w
And of course the message is correct; the file doesn't exist.

Is that a problem?


refresh user list after use of DA Tool

Hi All,

I searched the forum for a way to refresh the user-list(s) in DA after use of the DA User Tool.

The migration of a user to reseller and changing the owner of an exist user works perfect with the tool provided.

Want to complete:
Only thing left now is the correct listing of users. This is not displayed correctly in the 'admin'mode. The listing in the 'new reseller' however is correct. Is this update of the admin-listing done automatically in DA after some time/refresh, or is there a way to force it? I allready tried a reboot of DA and server, didn't work out.

Thanks for helpfull replies in advance.

Kind Regards,

DA_user said:
I got a strange problem!!!!

I just moved a user from one reseller to another. The script gave me the following message:
Owner of `testtest' has sucessfully been changed from `reseller1' to `reseller2'.

But when I as an admin check the "show all users", the user that I just moved still belongs to the original reseller? But when I login as reseller1 it does not own the user, and when I login as reseller2 it shows ut as the owner.

So the resellers user list shows the correct info, but not the admin list?

Can anyone help me?

Okay, I think maybe the problem may have been that the show all users site is cashed by DirectAdmin - so it do not update all the time, and therefor functions like this may be a bit slow?
Sounds like the cache needs to be updated.
Running this command should do the trick:

echo "action=cache&value=showallusers" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
jmstacey said:
Sounds like the cache needs to be updated.
Running this command should do the trick:

echo "action=cache&value=showallusers" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

Hi jmstacey,

This trick worked. List is updated. Many thanks


Kind regards,

ok I grabbed this script from:


(claims to be version 1.2)

and gather from posts on this thread that to move a useraccount from reseller1 to admin's control the command would be something like this:

dausertool.pl -o admin useraccount


Questions is this:

When I dausertool.pl -h all I see is:

Usage: dausertool.pl [OPTION]... USER...
Modify DirectAdmin USER(s).

-r, --to-reseller convert USER to Reseller
-u, --to-user convert USER to User
-f, --force ignore nonexistent USER(s), never prompt
-h, -?, --help display this screen and exit
--version output version information and exit

No mention is made of the -o option. Before I screw somthing up, do I have the right version of the script? I've looked through the script and see no mention of a -o option anywhere in it....
Bandwith usage not showing

After I converted a reseller to a user with this tool, all the users attached to this reseller dont show bandwith usage anymore :( Is it a way to get the BW usage back again? I tried to refresh the user accounts, but that didnt help either :(

Would appreciate any suggestion to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance.
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Did you assign these users to a different reseller before you made the reseller a user?

I haven't looked at how this script works, but I wouldn't think the quota files need to be modified in the user directories at all...
I found the problem, I just had to move the users to admin and back to the right account again. then it was reseted, now it works great. GOOD TOOL :)
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Can anyone help me :(

DA 1.26.6
CentOS 4.3

After move a user to reseller with dausertool reseller CAN NOT create new user :(

Error return
User testa created


Unix User created successfully

User's System Quotas set
User's data directory created successfully
Domains directory created successfully
Error Creating /home/testa/domains
Parent directory does not allow write, or one of the directories didn't allow search (execution) permission

Unable to create directory /home/testa/domains/testa.com,
Parent directory does not allow write, or one of the directories didn't allow search (execution) permission

Error creating /home/testa/domains/testa.com/public_html
Parent directory does not allow write, or one of the directories didn't allow search (execution) permission

Error creating /home/testa/domains/testa.com/public_html/cgi-bin
Parent directory does not allow write, or one of the directories didn't allow search (execution) permission

Error creating /home/testa/domains/testa.com/public_html/cgi-bin/.htaccess
Unable to open /home/testa/domains/testa.com/public_html/cgi-bin/.htaccess for writing

Error creating /home/testa/domains/testa.com/private_html
Parent directory does not allow write, or one of the directories didn't allow search (execution) permission

Unable to create directory /home/testa/domains/testa.com/public_ftp,
Parent directory does not allow write, or one of the directories didn't allow search (execution) permission

Unable to create directory /home/testa/domains/testa.com/public_ftp/incoming,
Parent directory does not allow write, or one of the directories didn't allow search (execution) permission

Error Creating Domain

DA logs
2006:04:24-16:36:43: Auth:assValid: unable to get user_info for minhho
2006:04:24-17:34:51: Unable to create /home/minhson/domains/minhsong.com
2006:04:24-17:34:51: Unable to copy /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/default to /home/minhson/domains/minhsong.com/public_html : <b>Parent directory does not allow write, or one of the directories didn't allow search (execution) permission</b><br>
Unable to create the directory /home/minhson/domains/minhsong.com/public_html<br>

2006:04:24-17:34:51: Error creating ./domains/minhsong.com/public_html -> /home/minhson/public_html : Permission denied
2006:04:24-17:46:41: userdel minhson :  userdel: warning: /var/spool/mail/minhson not owned by minhson, not removing
userdel: /home/minhson not owned by minhson, not removing

2006:04:24-17:47:14: Unable to create /home/minhsong/domains/minhsong.com
2006:04:24-17:47:14: Unable to copy /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/default to /home/minhsong/domains/minhsong.com/public_html : <b>Parent directory does not allow write, or one of the directories didn't allow search (execution) permission</b><br>
Unable to create the directory /home/minhsong/domains/minhsong.com/public_html<br>

2006:04:24-17:47:14: Error creating ./domains/minhsong.com/public_html -> /home/minhsong/public_html : Permission denied
2006:04:24-18:07:04: userdel minhsong :  userdel: warning: /var/spool/mail/minhsong not owned by minhsong, not removing
userdel: /home/minhsong not owned by minhsong, not removing

2006:04:24-18:07:38: Unable to create /home/minhsong/domains/minhsong.com
2006:04:24-18:07:38: Unable to copy /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/default to /home/minhsong/domains/minhsong.com/public_html : <b>Parent directory does not allow write, or one of the directories didn't allow search (execution) permission</b><br>
Unable to create the directory /home/minhsong/domains/minhsong.com/public_html<br>

2006:04:24-18:07:38: Error creating ./domains/minhsong.com/public_html -> /home/minhsong/public_html : Permission denied
2006:04:25-08:39:13: The username hasn't been set.  Won't run the script without dropping privileges
2006:04:25-09:57:41: Unable to create /home/testa/domains/testa.com
2006:04:25-09:57:41: Unable to copy /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/default to /home/testa/domains/testa.com/public_html : <b>Parent directory does not allow write, or one of the directories didn't allow search (execution) permission</b><br>
Unable to create the directory /home/testa/domains/testa.com/public_html<br>

2006:04:25-09:57:41: Error creating ./domains/testa.com/public_html -> /home/testa/public_html : Permission denied
2006:04:25-10:00:12: userdel minhsong :  userdel: warning: /var/spool/mail/minhsong not owned by minhsong, not removing
userdel: /home/minhsong not owned by minhsong, not removing

2006:04:25-10:00:12: userdel testa :  userdel: warning: /var/spool/mail/testa not owned by testa, not removing
userdel: /home/testa not owned by testa, not removing
l0rdphi1 said:
This is a tool that currently allows Users to be converted to Resellers, Resellers back to Users, and changing of any user's owner. See below for a full features list.

Current Version: v1.2
Last updated 2004-02-06 at 7:01 PM EST

  • Convert Users to Resellers
  • Convert Resellers to Users
  • Change the owner of users
  • RH and FBSD support
Have fun! ;)

TICKET BUG: There is a bug in the script. Acutally, its not a bug. The ticket.conf does not get updated at all from USER -> RESELLER.

The USERS ticket.conf looks like this;

[email protected]

However, when converting USER -> RESELLER the ticket.conf should now look like this;

[email protected]
html=Follow <a href="http://www.domain.com/support">this link</a> for a 3rd party ticket system.

The code should be modified to convert /data/users/ticket.conf to the format of the RESELLER.

The end result is a Segmantation Fault if the reseller attempts to click on Manage Tickets.

So to manually fix it i did;

mv /path/data/user/ticket.conf ticket.conf.bad
vi /path/data/user/ticket.conf


[email protected]
html=Follow <a href="http://www.domain.com/support">this link</a> for a 3rd party ticket system.

Save and exit.

No more segmentation fault

Thank you.

IM REALLY SUPRISED that DA Staff have not bothered to write a user to reseller script that would facilitate a user to reseller conversion. After all, they should know what needs to be done to do a successful converstion INSTEAD OF RELYING ON FORUM MEMBERS TO GET THE JOB DONE!
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It's even more annoying when you don't even have this tool.

But it would seem natural and logical to have this tool included in DA.
quick question

I would actually just like to comfirm the command syntax for moving 2 users into an existing Reseller account..

is This what I do..

10:36 AM[root@box /usr/home/ ]perl dausertool.pl -fr useraccount reselleraccount


10:36 AM[root@box /usr/home/ ]perl dausertool.pl -o reselleraccount useraccount1 useraccount2

Is the above correct as all I want to do is migrate 2 users to a existing reseller account with no hassel

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I've converted a user to a reseller and then changed his plan to a reseller plan.

Problem is, the reseller part is working okay. But on my admin account, when I view "Show all users". It shows that user as created by admin and with the old quota.

But on my "List resellers", it shows him on the new quota.

Anyway to update the part in "Show users" for consistency?