Richard G, SeLLeRoNe, and scsi:
No need to compare with Interworx; the target markets are actually quite different. But did you look at their comparison chart? Lots of errors in the DirectAdmin column. Probably some with cPanel and Plesk as well. All have their markets and their target admins.
They use RPM installation and don't say anything about multile version support, so important to DirectAdmin admins. And they use qmail.
And, too, I agree with r3chn3r that if looks were so important there'd be more skins available for DirectAdmin.
But for those of us who truly want our own look, perhaps you should look into WHMCS and the plugin that allows you to run all DirectAdmin user features from inside WHMCS. That, and a Zomex skin (Jack is working on an install for me even as I write this), and presto you've got your own design, custom to you, and for a lot less money than it would cost you to develop one yurself.