DirectAdmin 1.45.0 - Release Candidate

DirectAdmin Support

Staff member
Feb 27, 2003

DirectAdmin 1.45.0 Release Candidate 1 is now available for testing.
1.45.0 versions entry

To install this version, use the pre-release guide:

Note: This is going to be an accelerated testing schedule due to a possible security issue.

New features:
Ability to bypass domain checks for restore with Multi Server Setup
Ajax checking on domain, Username, password forms (needs to be turned on: ajax=1)
Alternate email for high-volume messages, namely the brute force monitor (prevents inbox clutter)
Ability to add IPv6 IPs into your SPF records without needing templates changes.
domain exceptions list for subdomain_owners_check.
Custom per-User list of skipped paths in backups
send notice to email account upon hittng send limit (friendly html email)

Important security fix for memory issue. Will disclose more info once tested and released.
dataksq uses 100% cpu with too many email deliveries
Disbale SSL re-negotiation to satisfy PCI compliance
rewrite inherit template changes for CB use_hostname_for_alias option

We encourage anyone who is willing to test this release to do so, and report back any found issues, or even if no issues are found.

The version of the binaries will still show 1.44.3, but you can tell you have the new version by running "./directadmin o" and checking for the March 1st compile date.

To subscribe or unsubscribe from the da-announce mailing list, see this guide:

It might be a nice idea to have also other possibility's to unsubscribe from the list. I requested unsubscribtion this week by email, but did not get any confirmation. I had a good reason to to this per email, namely that on the current used address a ticket system was enabled.

So I just tried to unsubscribe my support email address from the list.
And this cause a loop, because the confirmation of unsubscribtion, caused my ticket system to send a notification of reply and receive-confirmation to the user (so to the da announce list) which again mailed that no correct commands were found, causing my ticket system to send a notification again etc. etc. etc.

I now stopped the ticket pipe temporarily to resolve this problem.
But that's the reason that other unsubscribe possibility's should be present. :)
Thanks for the request, I might code some sort of php script to do this via API via a web page.

Thanks for the request, I might code some sort of php script to do this via API via a web page.
Note to all: I maintain the list. John asked me a few days ago to add the link for unsubscriptions to the list footer, so I did; it should appear in future list posts.

@Richard G:

To where did you send the unsubscribe request? I don't remember seeing it.

Anyone having trouble subscribing or unsubscribing please PM me with the address and what you're trying to do, and I'll trouble-shoot it.

I've considered building a new list program rather than continuing to use Majordomo, but since it's built into DirectAdmin, I've decided to keep using it so I keep my troubleshooting skills up.

However we should note that Majordomo is incredibly old and hasn't been worked on in many years.

Error when updating:

Current Available Version <br /> <b>Warning</b>: mysql_connect() [<a href='function.mysql-connect'>function.mysql-connect</a>]: Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in <b>/home/directadmin/domains/</b> on line <b>20</b><b
Last Updated Fri Dec 27 00:54:07 2013
I'm having exact same issue
Error when updating:

Current Available Version <br /> <b>Warning</b>: mysql_connect() [<a href='function.mysql-connect'>function.mysql-connect</a>]: Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'
Last Updated Fri Dec 27 00:54:07 2013
Sorry about those connection errors guys, I've bumped up the connection limit in the new box to allow for the slower server-to-server requests of data, vs localhost (looking into mysql replication too, which could be better, allowing local queries).
I'll also swap out the daupdate and licenseupdate binaries to just do a request proxy of request/response, rather than remote mysql queries, same way we already do, so there wouldn't be any remote queries at all.

This version will not only point to the new IP for everything, they also have a healthy list of IPs to update from many locations, if one doesn't work.
The new server is somewhat overkill in pretty much every respect, 24 cores, gigabit connection, the list goes on.

installed from admin licensing / Updates today without any glitch. :)
If anyone noticed, well I did, the admin pages load faster.

cheers John.
Whoa, just did a quick google search, and found that according to Wikipedia "The current version of Majordomo is 1.94.5, released Jan. 19, 2000."

Good thing it was y2k compliant.
Whoa, just did a quick google search, and found that according to Wikipedia "The current version of Majordomo is 1.94.5, released Jan. 19, 2000."
And I've been using it since it came out :D. Yeah, I'm old.

But it still works fairly well. It doesn't have built-in web-control, and it doesn't handle HTML posts well (if at all), but what it does, it still does well.

For what it's worth, I'd like to see it replaced with Mailman but the changes would be major, and there might not be a way to automatically transition current lists.

I almost wouldn't mind seeing it removed so people would be forced to use open-source packages available from Installatron, Softaculous, and others. But the same transition problem comes to mind.

For what it's worth, I'd like to see it replaced with Mailman but the changes would be major, and there might not be a way to automatically transition current lists.

I almost wouldn't mind seeing it removed so people would be forced to use open-source packages available from Installatron, Softaculous, and others. But the same transition problem comes to mind.


+1 for Mailman

Majordomo should go, its outdated.
Not sure if this is the thread for voting, but +1 from me as well.

By doing a quick google seach on "majordomo to mailman" it looks like it has been done many times.
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