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Please for forumadmin and forumusers.
Better to have discussion about important parts in seperate TOPICs i think
And as Richard say also others to have a simple solution to choose / switch / a flag for settings that could be different depending on which Server USE. ( so not only for SPF setting but for most important things and others. while otherwise the goal of using a SERVERcontrolpanel is missed)
Also i m sure
FOR MAIL to have a special topics and wiki docs howto's for abuse / spam / and for not being seen as spam wen sending out from server.
Sofar they are there these seems not to be enough/ or spreaded to much over forum , documentation and other websites.
While you read a lot about such problems in this forum, to much
But hard to find al important parts about that together.
The links to sites that are authorative for such topics example: as SPF, DMARC, DKIM should also be in the documentation, ore else asking them for a OK to have their content also in DA documentation. ( also links where you can test such things accurate) TO have a more complete overview in one place makes it better to understand and saves time for support.
Better to have discussion about important parts in seperate TOPICs i think
And as Richard say also others to have a simple solution to choose / switch / a flag for settings that could be different depending on which Server USE. ( so not only for SPF setting but for most important things and others. while otherwise the goal of using a SERVERcontrolpanel is missed)
Also i m sure
FOR MAIL to have a special topics and wiki docs howto's for abuse / spam / and for not being seen as spam wen sending out from server.
Sofar they are there these seems not to be enough/ or spreaded to much over forum , documentation and other websites.
While you read a lot about such problems in this forum, to much

But hard to find al important parts about that together.

The links to sites that are authorative for such topics example: as SPF, DMARC, DKIM should also be in the documentation, ore else asking them for a OK to have their content also in DA documentation. ( also links where you can test such things accurate) TO have a more complete overview in one place makes it better to understand and saves time for support.
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