DirectAdmin 1.55.0 has been released

DirectAdmin Support

Staff member
Feb 27, 2003

We're please to announce the release of DirectAdmin 1.55.0.

This is a major release with many new features and many bugfixes.
The full list of changes can be found here:

Some of notable items:




If you find any issues with this release, please let us know.

John, I'm having issues with this feature:

Running CentOS 6 and Apacher 2.4 everything last version.

Before this feature I would put a .htaccess with:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]

I removed the file to test it, forced SSL redirect, enter without the https:// and it would stay there and not redirect. Do you know if we need to manually reload Apache after this change?


Don't you have any custom templates in /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/custom ?
Don't you have any custom templates in /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/custom ?

I actually do for edit_files.txt and virtual_host2.conf.

Seems I did a change long time ago to force https for webmail and other webapps. How can I keep both?

Thanks Martynas


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No errors in PHP

Updated yesterday, but I can't see errors from PHP anymore. I only get the Custom Errorpage.

I've tried forcing it with:

ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);

and in phpinfo() I can see the setting is correct, but I still get the standard page.

I'm using PHP Version 7.2.0 via FPM/FastCGI. And yes, it worked before.
Updated yesterday, but I can't see errors from PHP anymore. I only get the Custom Errorpage.
You'll see PHP errors in the said domain's error logs, been like this for a while..

To see errors to the screen, you'll need to turn log_errors off in php.ini's or via ini_set, if it's on, it'll override everything else.
You'll see PHP errors in the said domain's error logs, been like this for a while..

To see errors to the screen, you'll need to turn log_errors off in php.ini's or via ini_set, if it's on, it'll override everything else.

Also when I turn it off, it still display's de default ErrorDocument.

The script is an API, so i need to give a json-errormessage, but as soon as I return statuscode 500 (with http_response_code(500)), I get the Apache errrorpage and not the data I output.
You'll see PHP errors in the said domain's error logs, been like this for a while..

To see errors to the screen, you'll need to turn log_errors off in php.ini's or via ini_set, if it's on, it'll override everything else.

That didn't work. I'm still getting the default Apache "Internal Server Error". This happens when I return a http_response_code(500), but because it's an API, it should return the data I send, not the error-page.
That didn't work. I'm still getting the default Apache "Internal Server Error". This happens when I return a http_response_code(500), but because it's an API, it should return the data I send, not the error-page.

I disabled the "ProxyErrorOverride" in the .conf, and not it seems to work. Now to figure out how to keep this setting.
ProxyErrorOverride will be disabled by default with a new Directadmin release, it can be used with a pre-release (i.e. beta) version of the panel.

If you need to have your custom settings in templates (Directadmin uses templates to generate configs for services including Apache) please check the link