DirectAdmin 1.62.4 has been released

Can anyone point me to the right direction where is the log out button on the new evolution skin? ?

EDIT: Nevermind, I changed to another layout. The default refreshed layout is still buggy.
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Can anyone point me to the right direction where is the log out button on the new evolution skin? ?

EDIT: Nevermind, I changed to another layout. The default refreshed layout is still buggy.
Yupe but logout depend on the setup design and device you choose leftbotom ..

I need to switch oft because of bugs and posted them here but..
A fast skin easy to find change switch is needed though because every time hmm
Guys do you experience a very slow API call with the latest version? It affected some of the CMD APIs that mostly have domain variable passed. For example CMD_API_EMAIL_POP, CMD_API_ACCOUNT_USER and others where if we have domain passed in this API url like &domain=, it will stuck for a longer time.

I did debug this by running directadmin in debug mode with b3000, the API curl is in --verbose mode but did not find anything useful but I found it is stucked in curl calling ...

So this is the curl output in verbose mode that it stucked almost 1 minute:

* Expire in 1 ms for 1 (transfer 0x557607aa4fb0)
*   Trying
* Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0x557607aa4fb0)
* Connected to (123.123.123) port 2222(#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'admin2'
> Host:
> Authorization: Basic c2****0E/Y08oP***EAjSk***
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 45
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
} [45 bytes data]
* upload completely sent off: 45 out of 45 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: text/plain
< Server: DirectAdmin Daemon v1.62.5 Registered to ***
< Set-Cookie: session=; path=/; expires=Thu, 12 Aug 2021 13:09:07 GMT; SameSite=Lax; HttpOnly
< Vary: Accept-Encoding
< X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
< Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 13:09:07 GMT
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
100    45    0     0    0    45      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:53 --:--:--     0{ [84 bytes data]
100   118    0    73    0    45      1      0 --:--:--  0:00:54 --:--:--    19
* Connection #0 to host left intact
[info] [maxinet]: OK, API with action enable-email-dkim executed with the following status:
error=0&text=Success& DKIM enabled<br>

By the way this is a very clean directadmin installation I just did this evening (no domain is added) and only 3 users here. What do you think cause this?
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@maxi32 kind of but then with the evo skin if that is using API ... to then yes.

Sometimes i think i am crazy , not seeing things after a while again then the info's are in screen, so kind of lazy load ;)

Didn't find a user backup to restore ( in filemanager it was there longer time) after a while it did find that userbackup to restore in same screen where before it didn't as 1 example.

( sorry but i don't know ore in background same API... are used there)

CENTOS 8 pretty fresh only now about 6 users and max 12 domains or so. DA version 1.62.5