Directadmin does not start after update

Thank you very much
In so far as I remember, I was used that manual and I saw this error :
grep: /etc/rc.conf: No such file or directory
./ line 76: [: : integer expression expected

Thank you anyway :x
Manual update ( was enough in this case to fix the problem (the top part of the KB acticle).

Hi , i have the same problem but with this manual update not solved ,
can you please see below :
[root@danl1 directadmin]# cd scripts
[root@danl1 scripts]# ./
Can't open /etc/newsyslog.conf: No such file or directory.
Can't open /etc/newsyslog.conf: No such file or directory.
Doesn't look like you have newsyslog installed
grep: /etc/rc.conf: No such file or directory
./ line 76: [: : integer expression expected
[root@danl1 scripts]# /etc/init.d/directadmin restart
Stopping DirectAdmin: [FAILED]
Starting DirectAdmin: [FAILED]

any idea ?
Thanks .