DirectAdmin - Lost Password :(


New member
Jan 20, 2008
I lost my password to directadmin :( I can't use CMD_Lost_Password :(
How can I get it? Help me please!

Sorry 4 my english ...
Do you have root access to the server? If not, then you'll need to contact your hosting provider and have them do it for you. If you do have root access to the server, then login to the server as the root user using an SSH program like Putty and then enter:

passwd [B]username[/B]

HTH. :)
In depth - is the DA panel admin a Unix user? I can't connect to the panel

Gerbiamas Martynai,

I have manually reinstalled just the core DA without DA's own RPMs (otherwise, the DA cannot be uninstalled or easily ported; I wish there was just an RPM to manipulate on; something I plan to create today). The script co-written by you has been very helpful in in executing createDABase() off SSH command line with some directories altered for both security and GFS2 clustering.

Now, sure thing, I can not login into the CP - "Invalid password." Before I reinvent the wheel of peeking through the code, can you please just give me a quick hint at where to store the admin password?

Thanks in advance/Iš anksto dėkoju,

Tom a.k.a. Tomas DirectAdmin user admin

Here, I'm sorry, I have overlooked this line:

ADMINNAME=`cat ./setup.txt | grep adminname= | cut -d= -f2`;
/usr/sbin/userdel -r $ADMINNAME;
/bin/rm -rf /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/${ADMINNAME};

I will attempt to create a user with its home on a safer place than the default.
How to: DirectAdmin admin account creation / restore admin password

To simulate the installation, execute the following:

cd /usr/local/directadmin
./directadmin i

The above will create the admin account with admin name and password as entered into the /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/setup.txt file.

You may want to edit and change the adminname= and adminpass= entries in the setup.txt before executing "./directadmin i".

The Linux user "admin" is created as follows:

User = admin [default, unless setup.txt modified per above]
Group = admin [default, unless setup.txt modified per above]
Login shell: /bin/bash
Home directory: /home/admin [default, unless setup.txt modified per above]
The admin user belongs to admin group, and is the only member of that group.

The information about admin user/password settings described here is vital if you want to manually create the DirectAdmin 'admin' user using custom settings and password.

Therefore comes the answer and recipes to resolving the issue I have asked about in this forum a few days ago.

Hope this helps everyone needing to restore admin password, or customize admin settings and the very own user name of admin.

Triple check (copy and paste)

# passwd admin
Changing the password of the admin user.
New Password:
Retype the new password:
passwd: all auth tokens were updated successfully.
# service directadmin restart

Browser redirect to http://mydoamin.tld:2222/CMD_LOGIN
Directadmin: v.1.61.5
Centos 6.0