DirectAdmin | New Server Checklist

I don't have time to go through the thread; if anyone else wants to create a new thread we can close this and mark it obsolete.

I'm interested in going through this thread and making a new one. I'm not a moderator, though. How would we get this one closed and the new one stickied? Do we need approval?
Thanks for your willingness to contribute to the community. We value your help :) .

You create it. I'll check it carefully. I'll discuss with you any changes that I believe need to be made. We'll leave the file open for comments and not sticky until it's right. Once it's right I can mark it sticky and remove the old one.

However please don't attempt this unless you're sure you can do it justice; it's going to have to be right before I'm willing to mark it as sticky and get rid of the old one.

Thanks again.

Cents OS Server Prep

We have been using centos without any problems.

Here are the steps we take when setting up a new centos server.

We first install centos.
1. We wipe the HD and use the OS's default config.
2. We then choose to install server version
3. When prompted with all the packages the only thing we select is Development Tools
4. Click Install
When it reboots make sure to add your ip's, gateways, etc.
Also Configure your firelwall.
Wala thats it! Your server is now ready for a fresh Direct Admin Install!

Use the direct admin guide located here:
some things I've added to my own checklist

-confirm kernel is similar to other systems if you comparables
-if it's a production system, set yum or apt to notify you of updates, NOT to install
-check cron for unknown jobs. decide if they're pertinent
-add users to the /etc/passwd and /etc/groups so your UID/GIDs are synchronized
-test CPU with F@H
-test IO somehow
-reboot the system about 20 times to see if you can blow a component(confirm kernel changes, routing tables, etc are persistent)
-confirm your disk layout corellates to what you're paying for, including block sizes, fsck upon boot, etc.
-if networked with other systems consider updating hosts file
-schedule an external security scan
-schedule log rotations
-check for SUID/SGID files, no-owner files and world writable files
-check TCP/IP hardening
-if you can check RAID status from software then schedule it to notify you
-ensure root pwd is needed for entering single user mode and that ctrl-alt-del is disabled.

It's quite an old thread with very old information and many dead links. Does it really needs to be sticky? :)
You're welcome to do that :) I'm sure Jeff or John will make it sticky if it will be helpful.
I'd love to see a new New Server Checklist to replace this one.

I agree it's time to unstick this one.

Good day!

I'm trying to recover mysql root password, but the link for that on the first page doesn't work. Please, help!
you can use the da_admin account to log in long enough to reset your root password. You'll find the password for that account in /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf
Thanks, guys. It worked,

I logged in as da_admin and then ran

UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD('newpass') WHERE user='root';

Thanks a lot!
I'd love to see an up to date DirectAdmin checklist as well :)

This one like the one I wrote 7 years ago for Ensim (i'm foggy, from RS/EV1/TP) is so out dated!!

I'm new to DirectAdmin, and there are so many outdated posts that i have been sifting through.
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I'm moving forward with some projects now, and when done I'll start my wiki (again) with a rewritten checklist, and other articles.
