DirectAdmin Next version release 1.281000


Verified User
Sep 9, 2006
This is truely a hopeless list of features and bugfixes proposed for the next release i must say. I can think of 20 new features and addtions requested in the forums that they could be working on including bug fixes that are not listed. I reported at least 5 bugs in the existing version via their support email system and only ** ONE ** of them is listed here. :rolleyes:

Are these people at all interested in making this a competative control panel or are they simply letting time pass without adding any meat with the potatoes and letting the competition run them over?

This is ridiculous!
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I'd rather they kept churning out regular, well tested releases and keeping a reliable product.

Which 5 features do you think are lacking most?
I think system backups are the one thing that needs the most help. I dont even really know how you would go about restoring a full system backup. Only way I know to make restorable backups is through the resellers. And if you have a couple of resellers this can be a pain in the ass.

Better ip managment, abilty to add custom logs into the log viewer like mod security audit log, and a few other minor things I can think about.

A few more features would be nice, as far as bugs I have noticed one when you do system or reseller backups to another server which I have never succesfully done, it always says invalid remote path when its not. I dont think I ever got the backups to backup to ftp. Also inremental backups would be nice.

Yeah a few new features, I still dont wanna see it get cluttered like cpanel. I have a cpanel server and avoid having to go in the cpanel like the plague, way too cluttered.

Overall Im pretty happy with directadmin,. its not something my datacenter offers so I am renting my own lisence, Its well worth the money
I asked for correcting the bandwith report bug for mail.
I doesn't count total of mailboxes bandwith used, just admin mail bw.
felosi said:
I think system backups are the one thing that needs the most help. I dont even really know how you would go about restoring a full system backup. Only way I know to make restorable backups is through the resellers. And if you have a couple of resellers this can be a pain in the ass.

Better ip managment, abilty to add custom logs into the log viewer like mod security audit log, and a few other minor things I can think about.

A few more features would be nice, as far as bugs I have noticed one when you do system or reseller backups to another server which I have never succesfully done, it always says invalid remote path when its not. I dont think I ever got the backups to backup to ftp. Also inremental backups would be nice.

Yeah a few new features, I still dont wanna see it get cluttered like cpanel. I have a cpanel server and avoid having to go in the cpanel like the plague, way too cluttered.

Overall Im pretty happy with directadmin,. its not something my datacenter offers so I am renting my own lisence, Its well worth the money

Full system backup is useless. If the os is botched or hacked its useless to restore the whole drive. But, the backup and restore of a users account and have the ability to save that to another drives should be a reality. The admin user should be able to back every website and have the ability to restore it.
How does DA decide what features are added?

Are some of these bugs/items above difficult to get fixed? - What's the preferred way of reporting bugs and how do the wider client base know they are being addressed?
Bloory said:
How does DA decide what features are added?

They add features if they want and when they want basically. So the feature request thread is a pretty useless forum if nothing ever gets added and they decide what to add if they so desire. My point is, there are tons of feature requests and nothing every gets accomplished.

Basically, i am left to create my own plugins to add features to the control panel. :rolleyes:

I get ticked off when i see a new release and they have fixed but a few bugs and added some uesless features that require very little work to add. And then you report bugs but you dont see them moving along to fix them. They sure take their time. Cpanel adds features and bug fixes on a daily basis while DA releases something new once a month looking at their track record.
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Yep, upgraded 2 servers, no problem. However its strange that 2 other servers do not upgrade inspite of the command. Never had this before. Have to look into this...
2006:11:12-11:19:06: Request to update denied: software is up to date at version 1.28.0
2006:11:12-11:37:05: Request to update denied: software is up to date at version 1.28.0

Guess I will email them to ask whats up :)
sysbk can be used to back up everything you need to have to restore to a new server, whether it runs the same or a different OS distribution.

The problem is that everyone has different restoration needs.

What kind of restoration do you want?

OS/Version to same OS/Version ?

OS/Version to different OS/Version ?

Full restore to empty box ?

Partial restore to empty box ?

Full restore to box currently in use ?

Partial restore to box currently in use ?

And lots more iterations as well.

Which is why there's no script for a sysbk restore.

I believe DA is offering (perhaps it's already out ? ) a reseller type of backup for the admin level, but I'm not sure.

Im wondering why we even bothered plaing two drives in every box when installating DA. Had no idea that redirecting backups to a second drive was not possible as it is with every other software. Thats the whole idea of having two drives. Instead, we wasted money two drives per box and DA cant even use them. :rolleyes:
pucky said:
Im wondering why we even bothered plaing two drives in every box when installating DA. Had no idea that redirecting backups to a second drive was not possible as it is with every other software. Thats the whole idea of having two drives. Instead, we wasted money two drives per box and DA cant even use them. :rolleyes:
of courseDA can use the 2nd drive
its called a symlink ( I use it for backups)

I do my daily backups to a 2nd drive and then weekly backups to the tape drive using DA

I agree the restore function needs work..

instead of a full system backup I would like DA to do incremental backups via the reseller vs overwriting each backup file ( for now I am using rsync and creating folders on a backup server)
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FastAttack, I do know what a symlink is, but I would also like users to be able to download their backups via ftp
FastAttack said:
of courseDA can use the 2nd drive
its called a symlink ( I use it for backups)

I do my daily backups to a 2nd drive and then weekly backups to the tape drive using DA

I agree the restore function needs work..

instead of a full system backup I would like DA to do incremental backups via the reseller vs overwriting each backup file ( for now I am using rsync and creating folders on a backup server)

Thats a pitty patch. Symlink to where? I dont think id like to create symlinks from /home/user/user_backups to a second drive. That makes no logical sense too me. A maintenance nightmare in my opinion. Anyone have a better idea?
pucky said:
Thats a pitty patch. Symlink to where? I dont think id like to create symlinks from /home/user/user_backups to a second drive. That makes no logical sense too me. A maintenance nightmare in my opinion. Anyone have a better idea?

hmm how is it a maintenance nightmare?

do you think you have to do each account by hand?

because I don't.Its called using the scripting modules provided by DA..

there are other "logical" ways of doing what you are asking.
I provided you a quick and dirty way of doing it , but it seems you are stuck on the idea that DA does not do it in a fashion that is easier for you , thus automatically bashing it.
jca said:
FastAttack, I do know what a symlink is, but I would also like users to be able to download their backups via ftp

This is what I did (this without modding DA to automatically created the symlink)

I mounted the backup drive as /backup

then created a specific folder for user backups


I gave the necessary permissions to the folder.

then under the users account I went in and created a symlink to the newly created folder you got to make sure when making it, it is a hardlink so that the ftp software can follow it.

the above can be a nightmare as stated if you do it by hand. I have DA make the correct symlinks and permissions when making a user account now ( see the scripting section )

Thats correct. Making directories and symlinks manually is a complete waste of precious time.