DirectAdmin Next version release 1.281000

FastAttack said:
This is what I did (this without modding DA to automatically created the symlink)

I mounted the backup drive as /backup

then created a specific folder for user backups


I gave the necessary permissions to the folder.

then under the users account I went in and created a symlink to the newly created folder you got to make sure when making it, it is a hardlink so that the ftp software can follow it.

the above can be a nightmare as stated if you do it by hand. I have DA make the correct symlinks and permissions when making a user account now ( see the scripting section )


Hard links are implemented in UFS-style filesystems (ext2/3, etc) as different entries in directory blocks that point to the same inode. Renaming or deleting one of the entries does not remove the data, it only decrements a link count. Since the directory entries share the same inode, all metadata about the file is the same, excluding the name. The link names are kept in the directory entry and not in the inode. Hard links cannot cross partitions. In addition, directories cannot be hard linked by the user, only special links . and .. which refer to itself and the parent directory respectively exist. Also unlike symbolic links, hard links can never be broken by moving one of the files (directory entries) to another location.

So, how should I do it?