DirectAdmin on Cloudlinux 9


New member
Mar 18, 2024
Is anyone here running Cloudlinux9 with DirectAdmin now?

I see today that the cloudlinux FAQ has changed:

We have clarified from DirectAdmin developers it should work on the Cloudlinux system, but their integration correctness is not covered by their automated test, which is why Cloudlinux 9 is not listed explicitly in the supported OS. This means if there are encountered problems, we will do our best to help and solve Cloudlinux-related issues and DirectAdmin will solve DirectAdmin-related problems. And the DirectAdmin proactively ensures integration is always working. This means DirectAdmin with CL 9 should be operating quite normally. According to
It's to raw for production, I'm planning to move from CL7 to CL9 maybe June-July. Some servers on CL8. Maybe in few weeks there will be someone who already tested it. But as it still RHEL based - I think it must be 95+% stable so if you hurry and don't want to use CL8 and then upgrade - you can try. If there some problems - they will be shown from start, I think, so you can reinstall server. In my case I'm planing to migrate 3 older servers to new hardware - so I need 99.9% guaranties not to broke something for old clients.
I have one server running CL9 with DA. There is a weird issue with default private_html link doesn't work when installing SSL. Private_html needs to be a real folder and public_html is a symbolic link pointed to private_html, then https is working. Other than that, it seems fine with other functions.
do you still get the old php 5.6 with cloudlinux9? sorry it may sound silly.
It's not silly :) I still have 5.6 on one dedicated server for a customer who is not updating their own program yet. But that server is also running CentOS 7, not CL9.
As far as I know Cloudlinux 9 has the php selector with all the cloudlinux alt-php versions. This was important to me as well and a major reason why I want cloudlinux 9 vs. almalinux 9.
well... DirectAdmin Support has a different view on that then CloudLinux Support.

I opened a ticket on Cloudlinux 9 today with DirectAdmin Support, and got my answer:

DirectAdmin does not fully support CloudLinux 9.X and it is still under tests.
So, we cannot help you in this case.
Please use CloudLinux 7.X or 8.X or any other supported OSs.
If you want using CL 9.X, then it is up to you now.
When did Cloudlinux 9 come out? I thought it was ~March of 2023 about 1 year ago?
I don't want to be on the bleeding edge so I didn't want to jump in too early and face tons of problems, but at the same time, after it's been out a year, I like the longer lifespan of 9 at this point.
I just installed a new CL9 server with DA, and it seems to work fine. Wondering which problem you are facing?
When did Cloudlinux 9 come out?
it's here, but not officially compatible with DA. they need to run more tests to announce it officially. But this didn't mean it will not work. So if you not hurry - you can wait 2-3 months till centos7 EOL and then jump to CL9.
March of 2023 about 1 year ago?
That was only for cPanel and then also beta. I think the final release is there for CP since this year.
For others like Plesk and Directadmin they are still in the beta stage according to Cloudlinux itself.
In the message is a link to the releases too which shows 9.3 is only final for CP, rest is still beta. So use at your own risk.
I wouldn't install Cloudlinux 9 as yet. I always let everyone else do it for a few months after stable with a control panel before setting up new servers with the latest on.
Also about PHP - their support tell me: CL9 will support php 5.6 and higrer, so there is no PHP 5.5 and lower - so for my oooooold clients I installed CL8 and they will stay with it till the end:cool:
Any update or feedback on this? I was looking at CL9

CloudLinux 9.4 OS Shared totally working... that is all basic features I do - no other bugs reported... I have now 20 days uptime -

I do NOT tested Node.js Selector...

How others mentioned PHP Selector Starts from PHP 5.6, no older option for PHP are available ...

I ran in only one issue:

If you choose to install things like PHP Selector CageFS, ModLSapi, MySQL-governor, Python Selector from graphical wizard interface if gives error on installing MySQL-governor i have to pres x on the drop down notifying me but that was easy fix

/usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/ --mysql-version=mariadb106
/usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/ --install

106 for 10.6 because that is the latest that is stated in CL docs says is supported by governor (do not blame DA)...


What is supposetly NOT working (or not working as intended) is "the fancy" OS Shared Pro - "pro feature" - which is the money maker for CL as they sold pro things per user - like the half baked wp-rocket* fork which you can install inside your WordPress by clicking button inside of the hosting control panel and then your host can upsell you paying to CL by customer** to enable image and css compression etc and fields to pur link redis sock.. (you can vote there)

CloudLinux 9 for DirectAdmin will support all components and features offered in current versions of CloudLinux - including components and features exclusive to the CL Shared Pro edition.

And that is the real money is made ....

* I'm not from "WP-Rocket sect" and I firmly believe wp-rocket is half backed and their customers behave as sect members - we told a customer that their original wp-rocket not working - not caching as intended that is he has been limited in resources - it took us 3 days to convince them to try something else as cache plugin (lscache) and it solved their issues - before that was blame the host ...

**I do not use shared pro - SO it never become clear to me if that half-backed fork called WP-Accelerate cache plugin is billable per user account or per site that try to use it ... If the pro feature because if is per user account it will stimulate customers to put more WordPress sites in one account and if it is per site - well this is the real money maker for CL ...

Anyone else had any joy with CloudLinux 9 and DirectAdmin?

Given the pain of moving from CL7 boxes it would be great to give us 3 more years of not having to go through that pain again 😅

Be amazing to get this officially supported.
I found the log rotate is not completed somehow. On one server, missing syslog rotating. On another server, missing some CL logs rotating., etc. Needed to create those cronjobs and rotating config manually.