DirectAdmin Support Ticket System

DirectAdmin Support

Staff member
Feb 27, 2003

I've just finished the basics for a new support ticket system.
This will allows us to have more techs helping with issues, keep things centralized, and also rule out any E-Mail send/receive issues.
It supports file attachments, and you can also securely include sensitive information and passwords using a ridiculous level of encryption. (although, we still recommend you only provide a temporary password, and revert after)
More features to be added in time, as needed.

Martynas and I have been testing with it for a while, and seems to work, but I would still consider it to be in testing, so it may have bugs.
If you don't get any responses within 24 hours, please revert back to E-Mail.

If you have an issue and would like to use the ticket system instead of E-Mail, you can access it here:

It does require you have a valid Client ID and License ID.
We recommend you login to the ticket system with your /clients account info first, but a guest option is available.
Note that if you don't have a /client account, then you are supposed to contact your license provider for support, but we understand that this isn't always the case :)


That's great that you have now a ticket system.

I guess no emailing is allowed to open a ticket. Correct?

I've opened a ticket through the web interface and did not get an auto email on new ticket creation. It's not designed yet?

Will I get an email on your reply? Or should I login and check whether you replied or not?
I've intentionally set it not to email on the first send, to prevent outbound spam.
When the ticket is created, it does mention that, but it also provides you a link to the ticket in case you want to add more.

E-Mailing TO the system is not implemented, not sure if we will or not, as parsing an E-Mail would be a decent amount of work.
As mentioned, we'll see how this goes and add features as needed.

are life time licenses also valid for being able to open a ticket or only monthly leases?
The E-Mail would be 2 minutes delayed, because if you're actually sitting watching the ticket in your browser, it's always polling and will automatically show the reply, which then won't send you an E-Mail.
Basically, the system knows if you've already seen a reply, thus won't send you an E-Mail. It also doesn't send you any other E-Mails if you've already received one, until you view the ticket, which resets that.

@orkinoks: All licenses are valid to open a ticket.
The license and client ID requirements are mainly to filter out spammers, but has the added benefit of showing us everything about your license when we view the ticket, to help solve issues more quickly.
Tracking a ticket to a specific license can thirdly help us link recurring or past issues, or clients that may be a little more needy than others ;)

This is very nice. I like the option that also system admins can send mail.
I immediately made use of this system with a very odd problem I just encountered today.