DirectAdmin v1.646 has been released

There is slight confusion with the update messages - let me clarify.

Older DA versions would only send message that DA was successfully updated on normal updates (when DA version changes), on hot-fixes no message was sent. Some people wanted to have notification if a hot-fix is released as well so added notification messages for hot-fixes. While getting message on hot-fix release is interesting for some, for others this is just extra noise (because hot-fixes do not bring any new features, it is either fixes that affect just a small fraction of users having specific config or OS or it is new CB versions or installer updates).

In DA 1.647 we are introducing config fields which will allow you to control if you want to get notification or not. This should help reduce the noise while still allowing to get all the notifications if one wants to -
An update (build 6303343087f26be22f63b82dc7eeef1453afaec3) is released, changes:
  • Fixed for Evolution to stop sending excessive requests after session is expired (excessive requests could lead to automatic IP blacklist)
  • Fix for CustomBuild compiling PHP fastcgi mode on CloudLinux systems
  • Fix for to propogate latest awstats script to user home dirs
Is there a way DA staff can add the hot fix info somewhere on the versions page? Now I have to crawl the forum to see what updates are there after getting the notification
Personally I would also like a link I could click in the e-mail that says DA has been updated. I'm reading the mail at that point, so from there I would like to know what's going on, so ideally without having to login to DA because thats an unnecessary extra step.
@apogee I don't use cPanel more than 6 years, but agree - it would be better to receive more details what was fixed, at least short text description, not like now:
Subject: DirectAdmin has been updated to v1.646 hotfix
This is an automated message notifying you that DirectAdmin has been successfully updated.
v1.646 (4029bce) to v1.646 (6303343)
And I must go to forum to check what exactly was modified and check is it work as previous or broken now, and I must fix it from my side :(
We have developed custom DA login page. Source is located in file /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/login.html.

When user open <da-server>:2222 our login page is displayed correctly. But when user logout he/she is redirected to <da-server>:2222/login?redirect=%2F where default login page from evolution skin is displayed. In version 1.645 it works as supposed to: login <da-server>:2222 -> logout -> <da-server>:2222. In 1.646: login <da-server>:2222 -> logout -> <da-server>:2222/login?redirect=%2F (default login page).

How to restore the previous logout behaviour in DA 1.646 ?
A new new build 4702d3b69b16ffa9c847a6baa466778b10db7585 with security fix is released. We will not be disclosing the details regarding the issue but we recommend to everyone to upgrade.
A new build 0c6e27b8628ddf8980d3abb0c6a2fae1cae27a6c is released, it includes a security fix. Details about the issue will be added to the DA 1.648 change-log after the automatic new version rollout.