DirectAdmin v1.648 has been released

It's already happening longer, but I don't know for sure if this is a bug.
If you enable hotlink protection and afterwards disable it again and you want to remove the domains section. Then there is an option to remove them, but if you select them all, and use the remove button, it says succeeded, but nothing is removed.

Also the domain.hotlink.conf file in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/account/domains will keep existing and will never be removed anymore once the hotlink protection is used.
I identified two more bugs affecting the new version of DirectAdmin.

1. In mobile layout, search and setting icons are misaligned.


2. The login page always opens in English (even if another language is selected, in the example below we set it to Portuguese (Brazil) and French).



When opening DirectAdmin the language works correctly, only on the login screen this is happening.

If we identify new problems, we'll let you know. ;)
Installatron Admin plugin page is broken in Evolution skin,

error message:

Ooops... something went wrong

o.get is not a function

reverted back from "current" to stable to get it working again.
this is a "deal-breaker" as many clients relay on Installatron.


I wanted to provide an update that we pushed a hot fix over the weekend to correct this issue. The new DA version is now fully compatible with Installatron Plugin.

If you see any issues please open a ticket at Installatron.

Thank you,
Using DA 1.648 I've just created a new user with a domain and subdomain (default/new location). When I try to view the usage log or error log via Account Manager - Subdomain Management under the + icon, I get a 403 for both the usage log as the error log. Modsecurity (under the same + icon), gives a 403 as well.
How does the new Database Monitor works exactly? I can't seem to get it working. I only see this, no queries or logs ever

Schermafbeelding 2023-04-03 om 20.14.23.png
@Erulezz it shows output similar to what you can get by running SHOW PROCESSLIST SQL query. It will list all active processes that are running on the database at the given time. If your server is not under heavy load (most queries are being executed fast enough) and no services are using persistent connections to the database - the list of processes will be empty.

If you would open a persistent connection to the database (for example by connecting from the CLI with mysql client) you would see that one connection creates a single persistent process. Or if you would hit your server with some requests that ends up executing long running queries (more than some milliseconds) you would see those queries in the list.

The more users server has the more likely it is too see a short running queries, because they might have not yet finished at the time you listed the processes. Even if you see some queries there as long as Time column shows it was running just for a couple seconds it is not a big concern. However if you server is running slow and you suspect DB engine is taking the resources this process list can help you quickly see which user / database / query is taking the resources. The process kill feature is useful when you fixed the root problem that creates the long running queries, but would like to wipe out remaining queries that are still active to free up server resources.
That’s weird. Languages now work here with the latest hotfix:unsure:(y)

What is the server's default language?
Here we use the default language "Português (Brasil)" and the panel always opens in English (even when checking Português (Brasil)).

If we click on "Português (Brasil)" the language works, but it does not open automatically when opening the panel.

In Backups, when you click the + to choose more options 'Run Manual Backup' you cant see the text in the little box, you have to guess.
An update 4c4869e89d790ad9aeb5ae2bd5a4687f0ac4a8ce is relased with the following fixes:
  • Fixed language selector in login screen when server has limited langauges list, thanks @paulonichio
  • Fixed CustomBuild command `./build versions` to report available updates count in script exit code, thanks @kristian
@Jayjayuk, backup page, menu under + icon looks ok, could you please add a screenshot of the issue?