DirectAdmin v1.650 has been released


Staff member
Aug 30, 2021
Hi everyone!

We are happy to announce the release of DirectAdmin 1.650.

Key new feature is CustomBuild reporting system package updates. There are also a bunch of fixes and improvements.

Full release change log can be found here:

DirectAdmin 1.650

The update should be automatically available for all installations subscribed to the current release channel.

We appreciate all the feedback on forums and issues reported in the ticketing system.

Missing this one.. is this reported for the next beta?
I have question about "Auto-patch CSF bug that leads to licensing errors on server reboot"

So, this will patch only when enable "CSF" in custombuild "options.conf" or it will patch anyway without checking this setting ?
So, this will patch only when enable "CSF" in custombuild "options.conf" or it will patch anyway without checking this setting ?
This patch will be applied when:
  • DA is being upgraded to 1.650 and /usr/sbin/csf is present and we know it is latest unpatched CSF version (we check CSF file checksum).
  • CSF is being reinstalled or installed for the first time and we know it is latest unpatched CSF version (we check CSF file checksum).
Patching at install time might also help to fix issue of SSH connection becoming dead when CSF is being installed reported by @realcryptonight.

can this patch merged in the latest DA branch ?
Patch is already included in the latest DA (version 1.650 as the thread name implies) and is applied automatically on DA upgrade (no need to rebuild or reinstall CSF).

Missing this one.. is this reported for the next beta?
This is just the way DA behaves right now (and used to behave previously). We expect to sort this out later once we get rid of system user mailboxes completely.
We expect to sort this out later once we get rid of system user mailboxes completely.
Oke but I disabled that function again, so there is no way to repair it so the double mailbox disappear in DA? Since it's not in the virtual passwd file anymore. But DA still things there is an extra mailbox for some reason.
Schermafbeelding 2023-06-05 om 19.46.27.png

First server updated (Old Personal license (sad that's going away :(), received this message. IPv6 + IPv4. Needed to restart DirectAdmin
Thanks for the feedback @Erulezz. On DA update only CSF script is patched, firewall rules are not regenerated immediately. It is expected for rules to be regenerated on restart but there is FASTSTART CSF option which on clean restart would not use cached rules and will not re-generate them. Running csf -r would recreate all the rules and fix the issue. We wanted to avoid forced firewall restart on DA upgrade in case CSF is installed but disabled or not actually used. Will need to see if we could reliably automate it at DA upgrade time.
Updated to 1.650 build 167f906b8837f25cee4da539830c8ecca7c650a2

CustomBuild shows an alert to update "System packages" saying there are "21 upgradable packages"

When I click the green Update button, this is shown in the CustomBuild log:

Last metadata expiration check: 0:04:27 ago on Tue Jun  6 03:35:28 2023.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

And CustomBuild continues to show an alert to update "System packages" saying there are "21 upgradable packages"

Please advise.
@beansbaxter, automatic system package updates takes care to only perform simple update actions leaving anything more complicated up to system administrator to resolve. The most common source for reported updates that are not being installed with update action are:
  • On Debian systems these could be packages that require apt-get dist-upgrade action. These are packages that would remove other packages, a very common example is linux kernel.
  • On RHEL based systems these could be obsoleted packages.
Over time as we collect more feedback we might extend the updates detector to either not report non-trivial cases or try upgrading more complex scenarios.
System packages
2 upgradable packages
Last metadata expiration check: 1:05:18 ago on Tue Jun 6 09:10:09 2023.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
after this update, remote backups show this error, but backups upload into remote server, only show error

Error Compressing the backup file /home/tmp/admin.3775.Qy9oujkPfuoDhg7HDixOIFCdTzBQ5k1W/s7y1BaEvtYH1L7DOVAPGmc0MRMY3o6Kf/admin/backup/home.tar.zst : /bin/tar: .pki: No se puede open: Permiso denegado
/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

User adminw has been backed up. <5:16:24>

Although a backup error has occurred, the upload of valid backups would have still been attempted to
Hello all,
Just a heads up: this update automatically created a new backup task to back up all data in the /backup directory..
i honestly don't remember if that directory existed before, or if it was created for that reason, but i'm glad i noticed it because it consumed all the free space left on my VPS..
i've no doubt the intentions were good, but having DirectAdmin create this task automatically without any input from the admin could have really damaging consequences..
i hope this helps!
@infracom2005 thanks for feedback. This is most likely caused by previous DA versions silently ignoring this error that could lead to backup without the home directory files. To resolve this issue followup the error reason by checking permissions and ownership of .pki that makes the home dir backup archive to fail.

@petersconsult in your case this is most likely caused by discrepancy between /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/backup_crons.list file and tasks configured in the diradmin user crontab. With this release we recreate backup crontab actions to be always in sync with /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/backup_crons.list file. I would guess that this unexpected backup task was configured in /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/backup_crons.list but was not present in actual crontab file. The upgrade script synced them up and periodic task started to be executed. If this hypothesis is correct it would mean the update fixed a crontab action which in GUI was visible but was never being executed and caused no problems.
  • On RHEL based systems these could be obsoleted packages.
Over time as we collect more feedback we might extend the updates detector to either not report non-trivial cases or try upgrading more complex scenarios.

Got it. That makes sense.

I'm on a RHEL 8 system, and running dnf update at the command line produces the same output as shown in the CustomBuild log.

It doesn't bother me; but moving forward, there appears to be no way to remove this alert notification within DA. Please consider allowing us to disable this check, to prevent this alert from showing in the future.

Thank you.
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