DirectAdmin v1.660

On mobile:

Login as (username) button is not working directly.

You need to press it a few times. It will move as well to the center.
@fln I don't understand the point of having the menu fixed, when everything is there on the right hand side in the icons? can we at least hide the menu please?

it seems really backwards to restrict the overall view, it just makes things harder? I hope others agree.
well said!! we need an option to hide the menu other wise the "Refreshed" skin is totally unusable for users that do not have huge ultra wide screens.
@exlhost, thanks for reporting it. Could you please add more details in which layout and location the login-as button is miss-behaving? We are not yet able to reproduce it.
All it's pretty well, but one issue, it's automatically set up my csf option block_smtp from off to on, so i found it after 1 hour...
@exlhost, thanks for reporting it. Could you please add more details in which layout and location the login-as button is miss-behaving? We are not yet able to reproduce it.

When a username is not so long it is visble on the left, when you try to login as this user the button will jump in the middle (see attachment)

Device iphone 14 pro

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Thanks @exlhost, issue is fixed and will be released with next DA release.

@maybeshaed this release has no changes related to CSF. Every time CustomBuild updates CSF configuration it will ensure SMTP_BLOCK is set to 1. If you set SMTP_BLOCK=0 in /etc/csf/csf.conf it will get reset to SMTP_BLOCK=1 on any of the following CustomBuild commands/actions:
  • da build csf_conf
  • da build csf
  • da build imapsync
  • da build litespeed
  • da build rspamd
  • da build all
because all of these commands updates CSF config.
because all of these commands updates CSF config.
Everything or only partly? Because one should be able to make customisations to the csf.conf file like custom ports, logs and other settings.
So if everything gets overwritten then for some it might be best to set csf to off again after building da, right? Or is there a way to place the csf.conf in some custom directory (which one?) so the csf.conf custom settings are kept after a da build all?
Additionally, is it only csf.conf or also other csf files?
CB only changes CSF config in places related to DA and DA related integrations.

It ensures values for LF_IPSET, SMTP_BLOCK, RESTRICT_SYSLOG and TESTING flags and adds missing allowed ports in csf.conf. CB also ensures root outbound connections are not blocked and merges configure/csf.pignore or custom/csf.pignore into /etc/csf/csf.pignore.
Facing error while creating Database in DirectAdmin.
Please look into this bug.
Tried changing theme but same issue.

Issue in 1.659 (7dbdf75fe91637e8c0e568f339e18129bf8885e7) when update channel is "Stable"
Issue in 1.660 (351bc3cb3edd62304d5d7a96b59b79211e607eff) when update channel is current

Version v1.658 was working fine.


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@sufiyanshaikh, internal server errors are not reported directly to the clients in GUI, you can check them out in DirectAdmin logs with command journalctl -u directadmin --since today
@sufiyanshaikh, internal server errors are not reported directly to the clients in GUI, you can check them out in DirectAdmin logs with command journalctl -u directadmin --since today
The error I found is:
creating database with user error=Error 1615 (HY000): Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared hostPatterns=[localhost] name=dfdcswc_rr req-uri=/api/db-manage/create-db-quick
This problem is caused by table_definition_cache MariaDB configuration parameter having too low value. It not only affects DA queries, but also queries in user websites as well. More details here and here.
after DA update - something happend with skin.
clearing browser cache didn't help, tried open it in anonymous tab, in opera/firefox - same.
on this exact PC browsers old versions (firefox 88, ubuntu 16), but problems only with DA skin after update.


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still no domains visible.

same as this:
after DA update - something happend with skin.
clearing browser cache didn't help, tried open it in anonymous tab, in opera/firefox - same.
on this exact PC browsers old versions (firefox 88, ubuntu 16), but problems only with DA skin after update.

Some clients reported the same. I recommended updating to a more recent version which fixes the problem. Firefox is at version 115.7.0 for ESR branch and it fixed the problem for them.
The domains in the domain listing seems to be missing too when you switch to the user's account.


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@Stije, @webquarry thanks for reporting this issue. It affects Safari browsers. Issue is already fixed on alpha and will be released with the next DA release.