DirectAdmin V2


Verified User
Jun 9, 2003
Any idea when it will be available, also can we have a list of features (my skin should be ready then so maybe that can be included :D )

The way we are working at the moment is develop a feature, release the feature, develop a feature, release the feature. We aren't doing it in big clumps. By the the time version 2.0 comes out you should expect:

- ASP support
- Complete user jailing
- RedHat 9.0 support
- Possible Debian support
- A high-end account transfer/backup system
- Multi-server control
- much more

We will attempt to post upcoming features in the skins forum as soon as possible so developers will have time to integrate it into their skin. All of you skin writers may get frustrated with us because we are releasing so many features so quickly.

You know what would be good and is the only really thing that I like from that devil cpanel is the RPM install link and the software install link

Any possibility of getting those?
I know what you mean, but have never used it. Thngs like urchin and other software just require to be setup...... and are preinstalled on the server so you get easy setup.

I think it may be easier to stick with how-to guides at the moment and levae Mark & John to get the current todo list done firstly :p

Feature Request

I guess it'd be great if directadmin can control the application from a separate server, for example ftp and web on server 2 while DA is installed in server 1. Thank you.
jlasman said:

Will you pay for Oracle for all of us :) ?


I wish I could :)

Oracle come first because oracle is the industrial leader (commercial). People will have to pay for Oracle server software.

DirectAdmin could have a tools to add user databases for Oracle options.

That my idea :)
The only concern I have is support for PostgreSQL, seeing as it's the only decent open source SQL server.

Oracle support would be nice, but don't think a lot of people will use it. Costs $$:)