Disk Space Used


New member
Jul 28, 2004
The last time I logged in to my DirectAdmin page to create a backup for our site it said I had used almost 70 MB of space, which was where we were after I made my last backup. I did not look at my current backups before creating the new one. They have been running about 19 MB. I usually create the new backup, then click on the link to view stored backups, delete the previous one, and my usage then goes back to the same level, right under 70 MB. On 24 July 2004, after creating my backup, I clicked on the link to see all backups, and the 24 July backup was the only one there (the new one I had just created), which I thought was strange, but I don't know enough to begin to know how to question it. I returned to my home DirectAdmin page, it said my usage was just under 70 MB, and I logged out.

I have returned to my DirectAmin page today 28 July 2004, and now it says I have used 88.9 MB - and I can't figure out why. I go to the page to view all my backups, and it still only shows the 19 MB backup I made on 24 July. I only have 100 MB of space available, so I do not have enough space to make a new backup, and I am no where near bold enough to delete my 24 July backup before creating a new one.

Actually, I have 2 questions:
1. Is there anyone that can tell me where to look to find out where this extra 19MB of info has appeared and what it is?
2. Is there anyone that can please explain how my backups are 19 MB and I have used 88.9 MB of space? How do I find out what that other 70 MB of space used is?

Thanks for any help anyone can give. Sorry I am such a novice at this.
if you have ssh access you can check individual file sizes with that.

You can always download the backup so then you can delete it so you can make a new one ;)

That extra space could be used by virtually anything, files you uploaded, stats. You'll just have to go through all your files and find out where it is. Like I said it would be easier to do through ssh.