dist-upgrade to Ubuntu 24


Verified User
Apr 10, 2004
Cedar Falls, IA
Let me preface this by saying that I know DA works on 24. I also know that running dist-upgrade from 22 to 24 works like a charm (fresh system), and DA can be installed on this. I have opened a ticket, and from the support side, they know of no issues, however, I want to pose the question here, knowing that not everyone opens tickets, and all that. Yes, I know, there could be issues, but just curious if anyone's run a dist-upgrade on a working system from 22 to 24.

According to support, I'll have to refresh DA, which is expected (custombuild rebuild, all that). I had aalready planned on doing that anyways :)

Looking for feedback. Has anyone played with doing this on systems that have user data on them?
Before doing upgrade, ensure you can access offline mode when internet of the server have some problem.
I have read many problems with not upcoming network interface and resolv.conf problems , like mentioned here :