dkim not working for Server's Hostname

Right. So @smtalk or @DirectAdmin Support, why not using that solution (in the thread pointed to) to fix this once and for all?
I am afraid that this is not the only problem with Exim DA implementation.
I'm preparing production server and I found several problems, e.g.
- EasySpamFighter messes with Spamassassin config if mail has multiple recipients domains attached to different users.
In that case ESF+Spamassassin uses first user/domain config and apply it to entire message (despite that each user has different Spamassassin user_prefs).
- rspamd is not drop-in replacement, e.g it doesn't scan messages between local users.

Some of these problems are relatively easy to fix, e.g. spamcheck router + transport (backup Spamassassin scan) can be implemented for rspamd via rspamc --mime.
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Right. So @smtalk or @DirectAdmin Support, why not using that solution (in the thread pointed to) to fix this once and for all?
It may have some side effects. I seem to have fixed it on my server by editing /etc/exim.dkim.conf as follows. Replace the dkim_domain line with the following:
dkim_domain = ${if or{{eq{${lc:${domain:$h_from:}}}{}}{eq{${lc:${domain:$h_from:}}}{$primary_hostname}}}{$primary_hostname}{${lookup{${lc:${domain:$h_from:}}}lsearch,ret=key{/etc/virtual/domainowners}{$value}}}}