DNS Nameserver questions?


Verified User
Jun 24, 2003
on the net!
I've searched something like that but can't find anything on forums so here's my question.

1- I have got ns1.domain1.com registered in ip address
and ns2.domain1.com

these nameservers are default nameservers for my DA and everthing works fine.

2- what I want is also
register as ns1.resellerdomain.com
and as ns2.resellerdomain.com
I can do that easily multiple nameservers on same ip addresses are possible as you know.
and make these nameserver addresses default nameserver adressess for my reseller.
3- on my previous control panel after setting ip addresses ns registry etc. with ns authority All I have to do is add a listen command on ns1.resellerdomain.com and ns2.resellerdomain.com on my bind file and everthing starts working fine.

Can I do something like in DA also. If yes how can I do it? Where must I add the listen directive in my named configuration?

The reason for that is
I have got only 3 ip addresses for my server.

1- all virtual hosting on a single ip for both users and resellers
2- 2 more ip addresses for nameserver stuff.
I can not be able to give spare Ip addresses for my resellers so what I have to do is register all nameservers on the same 2 ip and make DA listen to them all..
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After a Reseller Account is created (without any Nameservers) and the domain that will be used is created, get that Reseller to goto his Reseller Panel, Nameservers, then select the domain he wants to use, enter the appropriate ns1/ns2 values, * check the virtual checkbox * , then create the nameservers (without selecting any ips). This will use the ips from the main nameservers to create the new nameservers. No other modifications should be needed.

I did what you said :)

John I did what you said.
and now waiting for my ips to resolve.
Thanks for this easy solution :)