DNS zone file for hostname no longer created during initial setup


Verified User
Nov 4, 2005
Previously, I've always had DA (or Custombuild) create a DNS zone file /etc/bind/host.name.here.db during initial setup. This no longer seems to be the case. Is this zone file not necessary and thus has been removed, or am I missing something else? Is there a setting that decides whether or not this is created?
By default new installations don't create a zone file for your hostname. You could create one by going to admin level -> dns administration -> add DNS zone
By default new installations don't create a zone file for your hostname. You could create one by going to admin level -> dns administration -> add DNS zone
Same happened with me in the last 3 installation on different OS and providers
That's odd. Shouldn't happen. Maybe hostname couldn't be detected. In that case you can always create one yourself like mentioned in post #2.