You came here during the cPanel flow, which, in spite of my comment, totally put beside you. That had enormuos impact on a small company as DA. And then you base your "constructive criticism" on a few questions you had which were delayed during and due to that impact time.
You can look at it any way you want, that is no way constructive criticism and not a fair comparison in any way either
Richard Im not too sure where you are getting your information from but you need to get your facts straight.
1. If receiving a thumb-suck response from support 12 - 24 hours after logging a support request is considered acceptable within your business or line of work then great for you. In mine, I log support requests when I need help and that typically means that something is wrong and I need help as soon as possible.
2. I came "here" as in became a DA client before the cpanel shit had actually hit the fan - my forum activity has no relevance or bearing on how long I have been a client - unless you have access to info that you are not sharing with all of us?
3. When I did request support it was a long time after the cpanel drama had unfolded so Im not too sure where you are getting your dates and time line from?
When I did require support there was no cpanel rush, no COVID19 outbreak - it was business as usual.
4. How are you able to see the "questions that I had" with support? Do you have access to their support portal to see all of their clients support requests?
5. My licenses are active along with support but if I need to pay to get a response to an issue within a day then I have absolutely no problem with that. Show me where to pay Richard and I'll pay.
My constructive criticism is based on the interaction I have had with support, not on anything said or requested here on the forum. So now that we have that cleared up (again), there is room for improvement based on the contact that Ive had and this is where DA management can improve - whether they want to or not is entirely up to them.
Not every company is perfect, but if a company can listen to its clients then it will succeed.
You say you rest your case with the cpanel crap but in the very next sentence you are telling everyone on this forum to choose a side. This type of thinking is negative and extremely detrimental and will ultimately push people away.
Drop the negativity and dictatorship and let people decide on what they want based on their own choices. Who cares or gives a shit about what they like or decide on, its their money after all, not yours now is it?
If you want to force your religion down peoples throats then there are many other places to do it.
I have every right to complain about support as much as the OP does. If you don't like it and get annoyed by it then don't read and comment on the thread, its not your forum or your business - or is it?