Domain Alias/pointer not really an DNS alias


Verified User
Feb 7, 2008

I come across this sometimes and i did search for the symptom but cannot really find it

correct me if i am wrong. but when you create an domain alias / pointer should there not be a choice to also link / pointer the DNS?
now when you create a pointer you get a subset of dns entries but the are not linked, when added a lot of alias then you need to change modify all dns entries in the alias to match.. time consuming and un-needed if you ask me.. am i overlooking something here?


Do you mean that directadmin should create CNAME type records instead of A type records for aliases and pointers?

If so, then the answer would be it's not allowed and even not possible to have CNAME record for the zone name itself.

Found with Google:
A CNAME-record cannot exist with any other records for the same name, because a name cannot both be an alias (CNAME) and something else at the same time.
From RFC1912 section 2.4:
"A CNAME record is not allowed to coexist with any other data."

If you try to create a CNAME-record for the name of the zone itself, you will always encounter this conflict because a zone always has at least a SOA-record and typically one or more NS-records with the zone name

For mass-changes you could use ip_swap script of directadmin or perl one-line code to update zone files.