Domain not pointed to public_html


New member
Aug 21, 2024
We have root/domains/ functioning properly pointed at a subdomain.
eg. --> works as intended
eg. --> works as intended

But we have a partner's domain pointed to our server through the DNS A records. Similarly we have their domain added in Direct Admin and in the file manager it shows up as root/domains/ however the Wordpress installation uploaded in that folder does not point to the domain.

When we visit the we only see the standard "something amazing will be constructed here" waiting screen as if the domain is not pointed to the correct folder on the server.

At one point when we visited we were redirected to to finalize the Wordpress installation which was a strange behavior as we did not add the partnerdomain as subdomain.

We also tried the root/public_html and other placements but we are not sure where to place the Wordpress installation to make it work. Is there a setting in DirectAdmin where we can see where a specific domain is pointed to?
"something amazing will be constructed here" waiting screen
Mostly this is because tehre is still an index.htm or index.html present in the public_html directory. Did you checked that and removed or renamed that file?
Also check the .htaccess contents because of the redirect issue.

I presume you have a directadmin license? If not, you have to contact your host for further support. As this forum is only intended for support to admins, not to hosting customers.