Dovecot autoexpunge Setting (Delete messages in Trash after ?)


Verified User
Jun 19, 2020
I've been searching for a (long) while trying to discover why the Trash folders of several user accounts auto-delete everything over 14 days. Preferred setting would be never (or a long time) and let the users manage this.

Several times, I've gone looking at the Mail configuration settings of devices, iPhone, iPad, MacBook. These are all set to delete from Trash: never.

In this Dovecot documentation, there is a description of autoexpunge, but I don't see how to set that in my DirectAdmin Dovecot configuration file (whichever one that might be).

Dovecot version 2.3.19


namespace inbox {
    type = private
    separator = .
    prefix =
    inbox = yes

    mailbox Drafts {
        special_use = \Drafts
        auto = subscribe

    mailbox Junk {
        special_use = \Junk # autocreate Junk, but don't autosubscribe
        auto = create

    mailbox spam {
        special_use = \Junk
        auto = no

    mailbox Spam {
        special_use = \Junk
        auto = no

    mailbox Trash {
        special_use = \Trash
        auto = subscribe

    mailbox Sent {
        special_use = \Sent
        auto = subscribe

    mailbox "Sent Messages" {
        special_use = \Sent
        auto = no

    mailbox "Sent Items" {
        special_use = \Sent
        auto = no

    mailbox Archive {
        special_use = \Archive
        auto = no

    mailbox "Archives" {
        special_use = \Archive
        auto = no
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Its in the Admin settings in DA, somewhere under the page
I'm guessing you're referring to CustomBuild. I don't see anything there that I'm sure will fix this issue. The most likely is Customize Compilation, then Customize Configuration File > Dovecot.
Gotcha and you're saying it's not the Purge Spambox / Trash data after (days) setting either.
Maybe your looking for this (I keep mine at 90 days and tell everyone that):

Automatically purge inbox and other IMAP folders​

The only automated purge tool DA has is for the Spam box and Trash data.

Admin Level -> Admin Settings -> Automatically Purge Spambox/Trash data

The only automated purge tool DA has is for the Spam box and Trash data.

Admin Level -> Admin Settings -> Automatically Purge Spambox/Trash data
Thank you, cjd !

Issue solved.

There it is! For over a year, I have been searching for the culprit.

Email Settings.png
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Yeah @Active8 when my suggestion was rejected, I basically mentioned yours again too (spelling things out a bit more). Anyway, only a day lost between your comment and cjd's - and problem solved - which is the most important thing.