[EARLY RELEASE] DNSreplicator Version 1

Do they even deal with it at all?

Before we noticed the problem we had a working system. So did a few other folk on these forums.

Most people will never see the problem, but we made sure we could deal with it because we're in the DNS hosting business and we slave for so many servers for so many domains (over 6000 and counting now).

That is a very good question. I will inquire. Nonetheless I am quite excited about the good news. Betwwen this and the good news happening on the courier imap/maildir front, looks like DA is really ready to step up. At least for me:)
rldev said:
That is a very good question. I will inquire. Nonetheless I am quite excited about the good news. Betwwen this and the good news happening on the courier imap/maildir front, looks like DA is really ready to step up. At least for me:)

What was the good news on the courier/imap front?

Does jeff have a file spec of what dns replicator offers.


The good news is there is now a working model in place, with many kinks ironed out.
master2slve DNS Replicator betas are going out today to everyone who asked to beta test.

Yes, we do have a spec, but we're only releasing it to the beta testers at this time. When we release the product (as open source) we'll release the spec.

Bounce here,

Jeff is this the dns software that you mentionned to me by email ?

How close is it from production level ?

Can I get acces to the beta ?
We believe it works.

But no one outside of our programmer has tested it.

Email me and I'll send you the package, probably tomorrow.

After many delays, we've finally released a beta version of DNS master2slave, our open-source DNS replication system. I've edited the lead post to this thread, and the new post can be found here.

DNSReplicator will be delivered at some point in the future as a commercial version with a web-based front end.

DNS master2slave is being released under the GNU General Public License, Version 2, and will always be free as in speech, free as in beer.

Enjoy, and let me know how it works for you; we'd like to make sure it works for you and take off the "beta" designation as soon as possible.
