Email alias


Verified User
Oct 12, 2003
Hi to all ,

Is there a way to create an email alias ,

What i mean is to have ket say 2 domains with the same
email configurations(both domain configured to get mail from a mailbox) .

E.g :

domain1 -
domain2 -

www is fine and quite easy to achive , but just realized and actually need now is that

let say :

main account is and the alias is

to create the emails for
e.g [email protected]

and have [email protected] redirected or just get to [email protected] .

I know its possible to achive in marek mail server on NT and was wondering .

Thanks in advance for any ideas .

Right now you'd have to do it with forwarders. It can be done, but it's not setup in exim at the momment.

Hi ,

It cant be done with redirects , if a site is created and let say
asigned new domain( as an alias so

redirection is not possible couse its not possible to add new
domain with the name becouse apache will see it
(the alias) as an existing site and wont let to add the domain .

But even so it will create a new account for the new domain and its not so good couase there will be 2 different accounts with
different folder as root homepage and new emails .

The only redirection i see possible is on the DNS level or to be able to add new domain(account) on vm-pop3d mail server
outside of direct admin panel , directly with the config files and then redirect the emails also from this configs .

But the problme is that i dont know how to do it this way .

Thanks anyway .
Just thought abaot something ,

Wouldnt it be realy something for admins to be able to administer
the mail server seperatly and while we at here BIND direct
and advanced administrating including backing up BIND alone .

The 2 servers are basicly the most important services biside apache . that will shurly make it realy something .

Something like having the option to add mail account directly without apache account . I created a mail only skin but its not quite the same in few situations , a builtin antivirus
wouldnt heart also .

Iv noticed that its currently possible to do for DNS alone but its kind of short with options (mail & url redirection) .

For now ill be more then happy to just know how to add mail only account for a domain .

Regards ,
DirectAdmin Support said:
Right now you'd have to do it with forwarders. It can be done, but it's not setup in exim at the momment.
John, with Sendmail it can be done with one line in the virtusertable file. Is there one similar file in exim I can look at, to see if I can figure it out?

Exim is very configurable, but will only do what you tell it.. To create the domain aliases, it would have to be setup, and exim would need to be told where get the file and what to do with it.

Bascially, the file (if created) would contain something like:

and exim would do a lookup in there if it didn't find the domains in it's localdomains variable... Again, it can be setup, but isn't at the momment.

Thanks, John.

Since you weren't specific on how to set it up I'm presuming you're not sure.

If I'm wrong, please let us know.

Otherwise I'll try to take some time to figure it out, but frankly I'm quite busy through the end of the year.

Need aliases badly

We do need an easier way to create email aliases. I hope you do plan to look at this soon :-). Would be a very helpful thing to add.
