email recieve problem


Verified User
Jul 2, 2004
Hey fellas!

I have a small weird problem maybe someone had simular and could help out abit.

I cant recieve email...

For start, problem i had from start was... i could recieve email but couldent send and imap didnt work right. I fixed it so now i can send it out and imap is working but i stopped recieving.

Also it seem to be weird pelaying problem... felt like relay was open and someone was using it as well as dnsreport was saying there was a problem with that. Now thats gone but i cant recieve anything (i dont remeber what i did)

Here is log of what i get in maillog:

2004-07-01 02:25:02 H=(*** [] F=<***> rejected RCPT <***>: relay not permitted

What i get back as failure delivery is:

**.**.**.** does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 relay not permitted
Giving up on **.**.**.**

The domain names are "" and "" both have same problems

Thanks fellas
PS Sorry for rming the email... i have enough spam... i think someone wanted the domains and got pissed that i had em and submitted them everywhere... worthless people....

Also PS... if this has been done before please point it to me, i just couldent find one that i was sure that is same problem. So if its a repeat sorry about that fellas

You guys rock!

case closed

(sorry i didnt figure out how togo to help 1st:P )
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