Error during installation on CentOS

How did you got the wild dog with his scouts. Of course I'm doing everything clearly on the instructions, if otherwise I would have no meaning to write. Can you recommend a valid option?

Don't know anything about wild dogs, but you would be surprised how many people have no clue about system administration yet still insist on running a web host. DA, Cpanel, etc all make it easier to manage web hosts, but they do not replace knowing basic systems administration tasks.

I did a grep in all the install scripts and I see nowhere in them where they may be doing a cat of /etc/rc.conf, and they should not be on a CentOS host.

If this were me (I happen to be a software engineer by profession), I would throw some 'set -x' in some of the suspect install scripts and debug where it is going wrong. Of course that assumes you know something about shell scripting and know whate the various files on the host do.

I do see a check for bison it is doing a 'if [ ! -e /usr/bin/bison ]' so if it is installed and in that location it shouldn't fail.

Of course it would help to see the full output of your install attempt.