Fastcgi crashing!!

So i installed the custombuild plugin last night just to check it out and there is an option in there that says REMOVE SOFTWARE. I clicked on that and up came two installations of PHP that was very very old.

Both had REMOVE buttons beside then. One was php sup v5.3 the other, cant remember but it was and old installation of 5.3 i think suexec. I clicked on REMOVE and both of them were removed.

Then i restarted Apache.

Since then i haven't see the above errors in the logs and usually by this time i would have seen it.

So let me ask you, is it possible that old installations of php using other platforms was somehow killing of fastcgi and creating this error? If so, i wish there was a better way of removing php and installing another kind because ultimately its going to give you errors if there is a conflict somewhere. Eg going from sup to fascgi etc.
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