Feature requests for CustomBuild

subversion would be nice, would definitely save me time the next time i do an install. :)
Dauser2007, bind is not compiled from the source together with DirectAdmin, so I don't think so that we need to start to compile it from the source :) (unless there are more users that want bind compiled from the source)

spoonfed, I agree that it would be nice, but then DirectAdmin should have a GUI for subversion and it will take some time to create it (so, I think it should be in "Feature requests" category, instead of "CustomBuild").
Suggestions for webmail

Hi everybody,

what do you think about a feature wich will allow us to decide wich webmail script would be use with the link /webmail.

for the moment uebimiau is by default the webmail.

It would be useful to be able to have roundcube for webmail and also change the link on the /webmail image which is a link to squirrelmail.

See you
You can do that manually now (in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-alias.conf) :) I think that it should be implemented into DirectAdmin GUI and not the CustomBuild script and it should be available both for CustomApache and CustomBuild users :) So, a request should be placed in Feedback & Feature Requests
awstats would be much better than webalizer, and if it only can make static version

Hope it coming future, included with DA or Custombuild version.
Hi everybody,

what do you think about a feature wich will allow us to decide wich webmail script would be use with the link /webmail.

for the moment uebimiau is by default the webmail.

It would be useful to be able to have roundcube for webmail and also change the link on the /webmail image which is a link to squirrelmail.

See you
To change the webmail image link, see http://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=735. HTH. :)
AWstats will be included into the next version of the CustomBuild script :) As well as many new great features: spamassassin, clamav, mailman (maybe), cleaning of old tarballs in custombuild folder (e.g. if the current version of Dovecot is 1.1.1, it will delete dovecot 1.0.14, 1.1.0 etc. tarballs), cleaning of old webapps (e.g. if the current version of phpMyAdmin is 2.11.7 it will delete 2.11.5, 2.11.3 etc. from /var/www/html). PHP-IMAP and Horde groupware webmail edition are in my future plans.
Update request:
with update_versions: FIRST update MySQL, than PHP. Now after updat_versions, PHP needs to get recompiled again to update the mysql_drivers.
Update request:
with update_versions: FIRST update MySQL, than PHP. Now after updat_versions, PHP needs to get recompiled again to update the mysql_drivers.


It's done, but not yet released, because there are few hundreds of new lines and few hundreds of changed lines :) So, it needs more testing. But, thank you for this post.
I've got some problems with switching suPHP OFF.
I've got suPHP_Engine OFF for my Virtual host, but script.php is still parsed by suPHP.

suPHP is enabled server wide in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-suphp.conf
If I comment out the line suPHP_Engine on it works fine untill next run of
/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build php or /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build rewrite_confs, etc...

May be do not enable suPHP server wide in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-suphp.conf
Don't know if this thread is still maintained. But I would also like mod_python support. Along with options for mod_dav, mod_dav_svn and mod_authz_svn if possible :D
Don't know if this thread is still maintained. But I would also like mod_python support. Along with options for mod_dav, mod_dav_svn and mod_authz_svn if possible :D

+1 :D

These are the features that I'm quite keen for. It would basically keep my users off my back (these are most requested features).

To date I have a few boxes with these features.
Ability to install php as FastCgi is very needed. php as cgi just eat a lot of system resource...
if it be available DA become grate.