Feature requests for CustomBuild

Ok, sorry if i ask but more detail is much better... the path form so must be custom/phpMyAdmin/themes/THEMENAME cause custombuild script will move everything in themes into /var/www/phpmyadin/themes* for example, right?

just for be totally sure :P
Ok, sorry if i ask but more detail is much better... the path form so must be custom/phpMyAdmin/themes/THEMENAME cause custombuild script will move everything in themes into /var/www/phpmyadin/themes* for example, right?

just for be totally sure :P

Yes, it will copy everything from custom/phpmyadmin/themes to /var/www/phpMyAdmin/themes.

add option [required]
backup old mysql data = yes/no [yes]
backup dir = /backup dir

backup old directadmin dir = yes/no [yes]
backup dir = /backup dir


Added mysql_backup_dir=/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/mysql_backups for MySQL backups.
ok the backup directadmin dir is new.. i never saw it :)

Very nice, just a question, the mysql backup is a dump of each db or a massive copy of file?

For directadmin file, is all file (da conf, user confs, reseller confs, template) or what?

Thanks as usual ^^
ok the backup directadmin dir is new.. i never saw it :)

Very nice, just a question, the mysql backup is a dump of each db or a massive copy of file?

For directadmin file, is all file (da conf, user confs, reseller confs, template) or what?

Thanks as usual ^^

It creates a dump of each database using mysqldump. No option was added to backup directadmin files.
Could we add a custom phpmyadmin directory in options.conf, eg.


then let it ignore recreating the alias symlink if its set?

Currently I've hacked the build script to preform what I require (with rm & mv etc).

I'm currently implementing mailman support to the CustomBuild script, but I will consider adding phpmyadmin_link, roundcube_link, atmail_link and squirrelmail_link (a simple "ln -s realdir linkdir") when I finish mailman. Thank you for the feature request.
I would also suggest for Imagemagic implementation (but maybe use the yum/apt repository doesnt make conflict with apache/php/etc) can anyone confirm?.

I will consider adding phpmyadmin_link, roundcube_link, atmail_link and squirrelmail_link (a simple "ln -s realdir linkdir") when I finish mailman. Thank you for the feature request.
Not sure if I understood you, but I'd rather it didn't add a symlink from /phpmyadmin to my custom directory, basically I would like not to have any reference that it (could) exist to scanners at all.

Furthermore, I've edited the phpmyadmin link on the skin in DA to my custom directory.

If I've misunderstood, I apologise.
custombuild and remote mysql server

Hi there, i have two questions.
I am using DA custombuild (BUILDSCRIPT_VER=1.1.28) with a remote mysql server. The /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf file is populated with the correct information, host and access_host filled as well.
After trying to build roundcube (./build roundcube) it seems that host and access_host variables are not used, update tries to connect to local mysql server and then fails.
I could make it work, but had to modify the build script, which will be replaced after the first ./build update_script. If anyone can make an official release that would be great :)

The second question is related to ./build used_configs
Regarding to Custombuild FAQ (http://www.directadmin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=29824) it should 'detect files from "custom" folder too'. I have saved my Phpmyadmin config file in custom/phpmyadmin folder, but i can't see it in the output:

Apache configuration file: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/ap2/configure.apache
suPHP configuration file: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/suphp/configure.suphp
PHP5 configuration file: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/suphp/configure.php5

Am i missing something?

regarding the first issue maybe the if the file to edit is the config or a fixed file should be done with custom/roundcube/ implementation of the file.

Regarding the second, yes custom/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php (if i dont remember bad the name of the file) is the correct path for your custom phpmyadmin configuration. Maybe the guide is just not up to date.

Thanks for your reply SeLLeRoNe.
The build script generates the db.inc.php and the main.inc.php for roundcube from the developer distributed configs replacing some variables on the fly. I personally think it's a good idea, configs and functions are changing from version to version, you could lose functionality or stability if you use a saved older config.
It would be great if the build script could use mysql related variables from mysql.conf, they are already there, we only need to use it.

In my second question i'm trying to point out that the FAQ mentions a function that seems not in the build script yet, or i have misunderstood something. I have saved my myadmin config on the correct place. FAQ states that ./build used_scripts should show it as well, but the output only showed the used main configuration files (apache, suphp, php).
In my second question i'm trying to point out that the FAQ mentions a function that seems not in the build script yet, or i have misunderstood something. I have saved my myadmin config on the correct place. FAQ states that ./build used_scripts should show it as well, but the output only showed the used main configuration files (apache, suphp, php).

Thank you for the report, I've added phpMyAdmin, SquirrelMail and RoundCube to "./build used_configs", but the version is not yet realeased.
Thank you for the report, I've added phpMyAdmin, SquirrelMail and RoundCube to "./build used_configs", but the version is not yet realeased.

Thanks smtalk! Do you have any ideas about how to fix the first issue?
I didn't understand your problem.
It would be great if the build script could use mysql related variables from mysql.conf, they are already there, we only need to use it.

Where should we use them and why?
I didn't understand your problem.

Where should we use them and why?

In build script, roundcube build stanza:

New installation, db initialization:

mysql -e "use ${ROUNDCUBE_DB}; source SQL/mysql.initial.sql;" --user=${ROUNDCUBE_DB_USER} --password=${ROUNDCUBE_DB_PASS}

AND at DB upgrade


AND at generating db.inc.php

/usr/bin/perl -pi -e "s|mysql://roundcube:pass\@localhost/roundcubemail|mysql://${ROUNDCUBE_DB_USER}:${ROUNDCUBE_DB_PASS}\@localhost/${ROUNDCUBE_DB}|" db.inc.php > /dev/null

The script tries to connect to local mysql server, regardless you use a remote mysql server and have the config variables set correctly in mysql.conf.
I don't know whether there are other places in build script where we should use those variables as well.
Custombuild feature request

Varnish and perhaps also nginx.

I do not know if that is possible with custombuild, but it sure would be nice!

But maybe this should be a directadmin thing?

ive posted in DA FR aswell but prolly is more related to CustomBuild script.


i was making some test and ive noticed this:

/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build rewrite_confs

Doesnt use


for replace


And neither

Ive looked into the build script and seem that just copy (if exist) the


So ive tryed to remove all httpd.conf* from /etc/http/conf/ but the file get again generated dunno from where.

So, my request is, should be possible make it JUST check the directadmin/data/templates (and of course /custom subfolder) for the config files?

Cause, the composition of httpd.conf rewrote is completly different from the original one from directadmin (the structure i mean).

Thanks in advance
