FreeType 2.5.1 released

Even stranger, I decided to ./build freetype and now i get:...

You must not recompile freetype afterwords, then it WILL downgrade you, because it is not official added to custombuild yet. Until then, you must run this everytime you recompile freetype, if not you will be downgraded:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
wget -O build
perl -pi -e 's/^freetype:2.5.0:.*/freetype:2.5.1:/' versions.txt
./build freetype
./build php n
Well that's what I mean... I didnt run the perl command and now PHP sees the newer version but DA doesn't (regardless of it being "available")
Then I guess you did recompile freetype before DirectAdmin downgraded FreeType in custombuild? Anyway, I do not see why this is a problem. Just run the code from DirectAdmin support to upgrade to FreeType 2.5.1 and then recompile php, and you are done. Unless you have very strong needs of running the old FreeType version?

Also please note that everytime you run ./build update, custombuild will overwrite your versions.txt with the official one that does not have the new FreeType version.

Edit: Also if you do not have set files1 in custombuild/options.conf, then remember you must run this everytime (until all mirrors is updated):

wget -O build
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@John, I think it should be enough time for testing now? It seems FreeType 2.5.1 is without problems for everyone now. I have tested on all my servers, without any problems. Can you please set FreeType 2.5.1 to default version in custombuild now?