Frontpage or Dav


Verified User
Dec 25, 2004
Does anyone know how to get Frontpage extensions or Dav working after custombuild?

For frontpage (apache 1.3):
Apache 1.3 related:
    ./build frontpage_ext
    ./build mod_frontpage     #dso depreciated

mod_dav is included with Apache 2.x by default, so, you don't need to install it.
Hmm, my customers are reporting that they can't connect anymore with Frontpage now that I'm on apache 2.
My recollection is that you can't have both DAV and FrontPage on the same server.

I used custombuild and now I have apache 2.0 with dav but frontpage-like functionality is not working.

Is there a way to fix this?
Did you see my post immediately above yours? I believe you cannot have both; you have to choose between DAV and FPX support.

FrontPage has been discontinued by Microsoft; they don't even have copies anywhere for installation; the only reason DirectAdmin can still offer it is because JBMC (the developers of DirectAdmin) already have a copy. Only one company was ever licensed to develop and make available FrontPage Extensions for Apache, and that licenses has been terminated by Microsoft.

I did see this. I only have dav installed because the custombuild script removed frontpage extensions. What I'm wondering is how I can get the frontpage-like features of dav working, ie: publishing from Frontpage.
custombuild doesn't support frontpage extensions. Can you go back to installing by customapache? I believe there are some posts on how to do it on these forums.


His question is valid.

IF Apache 2.2 supports DAV (WebDav) then there should be a way to configure it so when connecting with frontpage (the desktop html publishing software) it works.

Frontpage (the desktop software) has an option to connect to a WebDav server.

I'm with him, I need to figure out how this work and how to configure it.
Okay, if my statements and yours, and the posters question, are all valid, then he should simply be able to configure FrontPage to connect to his WebDav server.

There aren't going to be any changes to FrontPage Extensions. I don't know anything about DAV except that Martynas says it's installed with Apache2 by default. If that's true, and if what you write is true, then why can't you configure FrontPage to connect? If all the above is true, then this really isn't a DirectAdmin problem. If it's not true, then we have to figure out what's not true, and add what we have to, if it's possible to add anything.

So the first step is: Is Martynas right? Does apache support DAV by default.

If not, then the next step is to add support. If so, or after adding support, the next step is to test it using a copy of FrontPage with DAV support.

If I'm missing a step, please explain :) .

jlasman, the problem is that mod_dav support is installed by default, but DirectAdmin still doesn't have a feature to "install DAV" as it has to install "FrontPage extenstions", so, for now user has to configure everything by himself, and that's not good. John said before 3-4 months that he is going to implement DAV to DirectAdmin, but we still don't have it...
Thanks Martynas, Hopefully we'll see something soon.

Do you know of a good how to so I can get working on this?
Thanks, I tried both + about 4 others that I found and none seemed to help. The biggest problem is I'm not familiar with Debian or Suse, so translating most of it to CentOS was the biggest problem. Not to mention DA's way of doing things added to the confusion.

Bottom line is I'm affraid it's over my head at this point.

Any word on DA's plans to implement it?
couldn't agree more. I've tried that link as well + read a ton on the net. I've gotten it close, but not quite right.

I asked John about it, and he said it should work, but doesn't have support built into the DA templates for it yet.

I suppose I'm going to have to go back to apache 1.3 until this will work.
Me too

I can't go to custom build until this is resolved. I am still running custom apache because I have many users who like to connect and use the publishing feature of FrontPage extensions. I read that WebDav will work too, but since DA doesn't have a way to set that up, and I can't seem to figure out how to do it with CentOS, I wait.

Any word when WebDav will be supported within DA? The replacement for FrontPage (SharePoint Designer) uses either FrontPage extensions or WebDav, so it isn't like it is going away. I would really like to see this implemented as it is the only thing holding me back.

Just wondering if this has been addressed? I'd really like to upgrade to custombuild, but I can't lose the FrontPage / WebDAV functionality. If I understand correctly, it is some sort of problem with the skin.
Hi guys,

Maybe I haven't undertood this thread, but is there currently any way to have frontpage working with apache2 and DA in any way shape or form ??

As I understand it, it is supported at a command line sorta way. I don't really know how. I thought they were going to put something in the panel, but I don't think they did it yet.