[FTP] login for the diradmin files


Verified User
Jun 24, 2003
The Netherlands
Oké, this is the problem. I want all my newly created resellers on a different ip than the server ip so I want to modify their "ip.list" file to the correct ip address. I have this file readily on my computer so the only thing I need to do is upload it to the users's directory in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/<user> and I'm fine.

Now I want to upload this via FTP, so I created a new user in the proftpd.passwd which has the homedir "/usr/local/directadmin/data/". Now when I log in it get's me there but the listing doesn't who anything. This is quite logical since I used the UID of admin which doesn't have rights to this directory.

So I added the admin user to the diradmin group:
usermod -G diradmin admin
And when I try to login it still doesn't show anything. I looked at the permissions and group permissions were off. So I changed the group permissions to read, and after a new login it still doesn't show anything. Now this is odd.

I have added myself to the diradmin group, I have changed the permissions of the group to view and I correctly logged in. Any idea's?

That one did the trick.

But I'm still somewhat puzzled with the original idea I had. I used 500:500 (admin) as UID/GID but since I added the admin user to the diradmin group why didn't it give me a listing? If group access is on it should give me a listing right?

Well thanks for the help, this makes my work much easier :D