FUTURE REQUEST - Master Reseller


You can create resellers to resell "resellers"

It is called "master resellers" - however this site is using the Zamfoo, there are a few but the mainly used name is Master Resellers.

I can go to ebay now and find you loads of hosts on there selling it!

Here is an example site using cPanel selling them: http://gr8ecom.com/product_info.php?cPath=73_85&products_id=63
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It didn't take much searching to discover that Zamfoo creates and sells the master-reseller system; the publishers of cPanel have nothing to do with it.

So now that we've established that cPanel doesn't have master resellers, but does offer a plugin system, for which someon (Zamfoo) has written a master reseller system, it seems to me, Lewis that you have two options:

1) Talk the people at Zamfoo into supporting DirectAdmin.

2) Write a plugin system yourself, to offer Master Resellers to the DirectAdmin community.


:) I would love to make one but I'm not that good :P

I didn't know that :O learn something new every day :)

I'll go and speak to them and then update you all about it :) this could be something very handy for us all and increase every ones sales!
Well they have emailed me back and pretty fast too :)

Here is the full email details.


zamfoo should work with directadmin.



> To: [email protected]
> Subject: New message arrived from www.zamfoo.com
> From: [email protected]
> Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 12:15:41 -0500
> Hi,
> A new message was posted to you at http://www.zamfoo.com/tiki-contact.php
> From: Anonymous
> Subject: Zamfoo for DirectAdmin
> Date: Sun 11 of April, 2010 13:15 EDT
> Hey,
> Is it possible for you to have this plugin for DirectAdmin?
> This would be a great one for the DirectAdmin community.
> Thanks :)
> Lewis

I will test this some time tonight and will let you know if I have any success with it.
Based on their response either they've set it up to create stuff the way DirectAdmin needs it, or they didn't understand your question. Be sure to let us know.

I'd stronly suggest building it on an independent testbed system.

zamfoo should work with directadmin.

Funny because a search of their site for 'directadmin' yields no results - nor does a google for 'zamfoo directadmin' (apart from this post).

As Jeff eluded to, I would get them to clarify if they understood your question was about 'directadmin' not whm or cpanel.

I know, I think I'll email him again.

But I did get another email back saying:


please work with us during your testing

thanks Kevin"



it should work. you should get it working in whm first before testing the billing software.


So either they think it will work or they didn't understand me.

I will contact them today and update you all :)

Just emailed him saying this:


When searching your site you do not have anything with "DirectAdmin" that comes up. So either you do not support directAdmin or you haven't told people it will work.

Or maybe you didn't understand my question?

I asked if this could work with "DirectAdmin" www.directadmin.com


Think that it's more understandable?

Here's another update:


woops.so sorry.

Forgot that is not billing software.

I never used it before. May I see direct admin to evaluate if it's something we can do?


Waiting for him to reply back now :)
Well hopefully they have good news :)

But this feature could make "hosters" a lot more money and DA as more people will buy it so they can sell master resellers, i so hope that DA can make something :)
Hmm I got an email back from them and seems that he wants more than just a demo, an account perhaps lol


yes. but that doesn't really give me insight into how direct admin saves and stores its data or how to interface with it from a code perspective. the only way to do that is have a test box and to create accounts and see what it is actually doing to the server config files etc.

Well it was a waste of time emailing zamfoo.


i have 4 test servers....i can't pick up 4 test servers for this. direct admin only holds a small market share. it would not be worth the costs to do this for a small return on users. if i was able to work with someone to do it...then its still on the table.


That was his last reply.

So looks like we're still without a clue in the world lol :P if any one knows any panels for master resellers please can you share so we can all know about them.

Like I said above , cPanel natively does not support so called Master Resellers.
But I've developed a plugin for cPanel that can make Master Resellers and that's called master reseller script, WHMPHP

I, the developer of WHMPHP script, at last got very little time with Directadmin system recently ( Thanks to John@directadmin :) ) and its API set but it is little confusing for me to understand due to the lack of better documentation. However, I am studying the structure of DA and the api systems to write a plugin for Directadmin to create Master Resellers.

Well, this project was started in November 2009, but due to the major release of whmphp script, I had to stop daPHP ( I call it daphp ) for a while. (check whois of daphp.com)

You can expect MR script for DA soon if everything goes fine :)

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I understand that but you must know what you are going to charge for it?

And I would of thought less that whmphp as cPanel is more costly rather than DA.

Just some price or rough price would be good so people know what to work around on for money etc.