Get Direct Admin Flash Video Tutorials Cheap!


Verified User
May 29, 2003
I wanted to share a service I found with the DA community.

Cheap Demos offers low price video tutorials for web hosting control panels and related web hosting information such as DNS, and e-mail.

They have videos with the default DA skin and the newest enhanced skin. These videos have defiantly paid for them selves by freeing me up to do other things.

The service is fast, and friendly and I highly recommend them.

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Thanks for bringing these to our attention.

Now if they'll only do some for ModernBill, phpBB, and for osCommerce...

We wouldn't have to depend on the higher prices at DemoDemo anymore.

However, I notice they don't allow their demos to be placed on a publicly available website.

That means we'll have to set up a private clients-only set of pages :( .

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Erm, I'm sure I remember posting a message saying '404' here - the site merely shows a 404 Error page.

Did someone delete my post?


Presuming you mean the DEMOS site, it works fine from here.

Yep, the demos site:

Not Found
The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.31 Server at Port 80

..odd :(

That's pretty wierd.

I'm running Mozilla 1.2.1, if that makes a difference.

Konqueror works as well, but it does give me a short delay during which I see a notice to "click here" if it doesn't automatically redirect.

Perhaps their code has some weird bug in it.

The pricing is good, but the restriction on where you can display them is impractical.

Just re-read their conditions:
"You may display these tutorials on your web hosting website ONLY! You MAY NOT provide these tutorials in a pubic viewing area"


I wonder has anybody told them
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I just wrote them and asked them about it, explaining that I'd like my prospects to see my support methods before they become clients.

Edit: Paragraphs removed; I agree with Chris (pueni) they were in poor taste.

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Hello everyone!

I came by to clear up an issue about how you can display your tutorials. I have also updated the website to show this.

Edit: My comments are now removed due to Jeffs retractions. :)

Now, back to how you can display the tutorials.

You can display these on your webhosting website with NO restrictions at all!
Heck, make them your home page, I have NO problem with that.

However, you can not display them in a website that is a "general" website that has webhosting resources.

Here is an example if a type of website that you CAN NOT display them on, unless I give you permission!

That website is a RESOURCE website... NOT a webHOSTING website.

That is what I am wanting to prevent.

Just FYI, the above link (HostingLife) DOES have permission to display the tutorials.

I hope that clears the issue up for everyone. If not, click here to send me an email

Thank You!

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Since there are so many people that have (and still are) stopping by from this forum, I thought I would share the current special with you.....

Until June 18, 2004, there is a coupon code that you can use.
Enter blowout during your checkout process and you will receive 15% off any order over $50.


The fact that the supplier of these tutorials will neither email them out nor supply them via download I find very odd.
Your statement is not completely true... Allow me to explain....

I will allow you to download them from me, for a fee of $5 (as stated on the website).

If I allowed everyone to download these my bandwidth would be out of the roof. With the prices I charge, I can not provide all of the additional bandwidth. So, I just ask that you:
1) Allow me to upload to ANY FTP account ( I care less where the FTP server is... Freeservers is fine with me)
2) Pay an additional $5

Now, I suppose I could "hide" the fees into the prices but
then they wouldn't be "CheapDemos", would they? :)

I have HUNDREDS of happy customers. And I would bet you a free set of tutorials (downloaded directly from my server :D ) that none of them have a single complaint that has not been resolved.

So far, out of the hundreds of customer I have, NONE of them have a problem giving a temporary FTP account for the upload. Everyone that I know likes to save a buck.... and I just help. :D

It is not a security risk.... No more of a security risk than when you sign up a new client and give them FTP access, right? And stop and think... I have ALLOT more to loose (professionally) than any of your customers.


If you emailed the tutorials I wouldn't mind so much, but if your business model cannot support downloads then maybe you need to rethink it.
pueni said:
If I allowed everyone to download these my bandwidth would be out of the roof. With the prices I charge, I can not provide all of the additional bandwidth.
Can you explain why it costs you less bandwidth for you to upload via ftp than it would to allow me to download via ftp? It appears to me that both use the same amount of bandwidth.
I have HUNDREDS of happy customers.
Please, anyone who is a happy customer of CheapDemos and DA please post; we'd like to see some testimonials :) .

Can you explain why it costs you less bandwidth for you to upload via ftp than it would to allow me to download via ftp? It appears to me that both use the same amount of bandwidth.
Basically, you see, when you download, you are downloading directly from one of my servers. That uses MY bandwidth....costing me extra money.

When I upload, I am uploading to one of YOUR servers. Thus, never touching my servers. When I upload to someone's server, I don't do it from a server. That uses YOUR bandwidth.....NOT costing me extra money.

I hope that answers your question... I am not sure what you were wanting to know exactly. Your question doesn't really make sense to me since you are not comparing two similar things.

FTP works allot like a LAN, except it allows computers (such as the one that you use to surf the internet) to connect to a computer that is somewhere else in the world. For example.... My computer "FTP's" to your server and then I issue an "Upload" command to move the files from MY computer to YOUR server.

Please, anyone who is a happy customer of CheapDemos and DA please post; we'd like to see some testimonials .
Here are a few.... too bad everyone that buys doesn't post a comment. Are you needing references? I can put you in touch with as many as you need, Jeff :) .

Please, if you have any other question, please stop by the website and utilize the "Contact Us" feature that I have in place.


Good Job Chris!

Just to simplify the FTP thing. As I read it the reason that it doesn't cost you to upload is because you are uploading from your home/office computer (where you don't pay bandwidth fees) rather then from your server which you do pay bandwidth fees.

That seems reasonable :) Maybe you should setup a little FTP server at your home/office that could handle these requests. Granted the speed of the download might not be that great but at least that part of the equation would be solved.

I think the product that you offer is super cool. It really is a great idea. I can't find the demo for the new DA skin.

Just to simplify the FTP thing. As I read it the reason that it doesn't cost you to upload is because you are uploading from your home/office computer (where you don't pay bandwidth fees) rather then from your server which you do pay bandwidth fees.

Yes... that sums it up nicely! :D