to take this to a separate thread even though I ended up getting scolded for it.
And justified scolded because:
a.) it's still an issue with your vps so can be handled in your existing thread handling about nameservers too.
b.) it was not a seperate thread but you upped on ancient thread of 16 years old which is just not done. Even if neccessary after so many years one opens a new thread and if required one can point to the ancient thread for reference. And did not contain any additional info.
c.) Switching back to 1 ip was spoken about here too already so no need to up some old post.
Just between us, in that thread there is also a post from a very kind guy known to us which has departed us a few years ago. Also a good reason to don't use that kind of old threads.
I didn't want to up that thread again by posting this on that thread.
We can keep discussing this, but this is just net etiquette and it might be better to agree to disagree on this.
Back on topic, in thread I want to help you, no problem at all.
Switching back to 1 ip is no issue at all. Remove the ip from the manager and change the A record for NS2 to your primary ip and you're ready.
I don't know what's wrong and I would like to have a look for you to fix that issue, but mostly just for this reason I used the Enhanced skin because that has a more clear overview of things going on.
Maybe you can post a screenshot of where the error is so we can help, or try to fix it using Enhanced skin.
I don't like having errors either, even if they can be ignored, I rather have it fixed if that is possible.
So maybe we can get rid of that error for you, either by loggin in to your server, maybe with some screenshots, or via Teamviewer, or via PM is also possible if you don't want to place a screenshot.
However, I would have a look in Enhanced skin if I were you (if you didn't already do so) to make things a bit easier.